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불교 경전 천수경, 금강경, 반야심경, 백팔참회문 에 관련된 질문, 108배 하는 방법
광명진언, 육자진언, 아미타경, 능엄신주 등 진언에 관련된 질문,
궁금한 불교 용어, 수행, 사상, 예절에 관련된 불교에 관한 궁금증을 자유롭게 질문 하고 답해보세요. The Q & A Buddhist social networking that can be exchanged conversation relating to Buddhism.
Cheonsugyeong Buddhist scriptures, sutra, sutra, one hundred and eight chamhoemun questions related to, how to fold 108
Light mantra, questions related to the six - party mantra, ahmitagyeong, neungeom new shares, including mantra,
Buddhist terms have questions, conduct, thought, freedom to questions about Buddhism and try to answer questions related to manners.