About IndTaxCalc
Indian Income Tax Calculator:
This is an Indian Income tax calculator app for the year financial year 2014-15 & assessment year 2013-2014. It calculates an income tax for salaried people or individual tax payer based on the given Year, Person Age, Basic Amount, HRA for Metro/Non-Metro, DA (Dearness Allowance), Special Allowance, Sudexo Pass, LTA Received and Conveyance Allowance etc. Investment details and income tax exemptions are calculated on HBL (House Building Loan) Principal, Medical Bills, Medical Insurance, PF (Provident Fund), Mutual Fund, Profession Tax Paid etc, under the sections (80C, 80D, 80E, 80U) of the Indian Income Tax Rules.
Tax payer should enter accurate annual amount received or spent in the relevant boxes and keep empty if it’s not applicable to you. Once tax is calculated it gives break up of calculated income tax along with tax slabs.
Please give your comments and valuable suggestions … Thank you in advance.
Keywords: [Android Income Tax App, Android Ind Income Tax App, Android Indian Income Tax Calculator App, Android Income Tax Calc App, Android Indian Tax Calc App, Android Indian Tax Calculator App, Indian Income Tax Calc, Ind Inc Tax Calc Tax, Indian Tax Calculator, Income Tax, Income Tax Calculator, Calc, Calculator, Indian TaxCalc, 2013, 2014, 2015, FY 2013-14, FY 2014-15, FY 2013, FY 2014, FY 2015, Indian Tax, Tax Indian, Tax Slab, Personal Tax calculator,]