About Carnatic Piano
New song can be added and exported to audio format.
How to use Carnatic Piano
1) Play Piano
If you know the name of “Chakra, Melakartha, and Raga” you can select your raga from three dropped down menu provided in the software.
If you know the Raga name only, you can select your raga directly from four drop-down menu categorized in alphabetical order.
Once you have selected your raga, Carnatic nots will be displayed in the “Western Type piano”
2) Compose Song
a) Export sample song
Select Compose Song->Edit song-> Load Sample Song > back button -> Export as audio
b) For creating new song
Select Compose Song->Edit song-> Type your new song in Sa, Ri, Ga, Ma, Pa notations.
-> back button -> export song
Provision to change instrument and new instrument can be created by changing the properties of instrument
Sample songs in “Carnatic Music”
small letters are in middle octave, capital letters are in higher octave, small letter with a dot is in lower octave. Coma represents the previous sound in longer duration (for one coma play the previous note in one unit extra duration)
Chakra : Bana Chakra
Melakartha: Dheerasankarabharanam
Ragam : Bilahari
Thalam : Adi
Aarohanam : srgpdS
Avarohanam : Sndpmgrs
s,,rg,p, d,S,n,d,
p,dpmgrs rsn.d.s,,,
s,,rg,p, m,,gp,d,
R,,Sn,d, p,,mg,r,
s,,rg,p, d,S,n,d,
p,dpmgrs rsn.d.s,,,
s,,rg,g, g,,,g,rg
p,,pp,p, p,,,p,dp
S,,SS,S, GRSnndp,
pdpmggr, gpmgrsrg
s,,rg,p, d,S,n,d,
p,dpmgrs rsn.d.s,,,
ppp,rrr, gpmgg,,,
gpmgmgrs rgrss,,,
rsn.d.s,,, mgrgp,,,
dpdRS,,, RSndpmgr
s,,rg,p, d,S,n,d,
p,dpmgrs rsn.d.s,,,
p,,,mgrg d,,,mgrg
p,,,mgrg p,p,p,,,
G,,,RSnd R,,,RSnd
S,,,RSnd S,S,S,,,
G,RSR,R, R,,,R,Sn
d,d,d,,, p,mgg,g,
g,,,srgd p,,,RSRG
S,,,GRSN dpmgrsrg
s,,rg,p, d,S,n,d,
p,dpmgrs rsn.d.s,,,
Chakra : Bana Chakra
Melakartha: Harikambhoji
Ragam : Mohanam
Thalam : Roopakam
Aarohanam : srgpdS
Avarohanam : sdpgrs
gg p,p, dp S,S, RS ddp, dp ggr,
gp dSd, dp ggr, gg dpg, pg grs,
gg ggrg pg p,p, gg dpd, pd S,S,
dG RRSS dS dddp gp dSdp dp ggrs
sg g,g, gr pgr, sr sgrs d.d. s,s,
Chakram : Veda Chakra
Melakaratha: Natabhairavi
Ragam : Bhairavi
Thalam : Dhruvam
Aarohanam : srgmpdnS
Avarohanam : Sndpmgrs
grgm p, mgrg mpm, pdnn dp mndp mgrs
srsp mp grgm ggrs rrgg mm ggrg mpmm
pddn nS pdnS RGRS nRSG RS nndm pdnS
pdpS nS pdmp g,rs
by N####: