About Find Jakes
Sanitation is a physical measure that has probably done more to increase human life span than any kind of drug or surgery but is generally taken for granted.
Inspired by the Indian Govt's –“Swachch Bharat Abhiyaan" (Clean India Movement), this app is created to publicize the use of public toilet among citizens and educate them the importance of proper sanitation.
This app is developed to help you locate the nearby public toilets and the direction to reach. This will also help Govt. to keep a track of all the public toilets as regular feedback will be generated from random citizens who in turn will guide the local Municipality to improve any infrastructure problem identified and keep the toilets clean. Also, the motive of building public toilets will be fulfilled. Additionally, for women this will be an added advantage as they can now know where the public toilets are, and use them whenever needed and may not rush for home.
We are digitizing the Sanitation movement of India and we urge you to help us achieve this aim. Will you mind joining our hands for this? Please click the below link and fill the Google form by navigating to “Suggest Toilet” button. Also, to know more about us, go to “Our Story” section from the below link.
For any feedback feel free to reach us at: feedback@findjakes.com
NOTE: The sole restriction right now is that the data is visible only for Parts of New Delhi. Citizens outside Delhi will not find any data for their city as we don’t have the data for public toilets there, but that’s why we need your participation to make this turn into a reality for whole of India. As soon as we start getting more data, we will upgrade the app with the details and will thus be able to penetrate throughout the country.
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