This application can restore & recover all your MANUALLY deleted Contacts.
- Restore & recover Contact without any prior backup.
- Can Restore & recover one by one or all at once.
- Can Search Deleted Contacts
deleted contact recovery is the easiest way to deleted contact recovery and restore your contacts all from your phone without needing a computer or synchronization. You can backup all your contacts wit.
You can restore & recover your deleted contacts using tap or click on deleted contacts and restore & recover contacts.
You can restore & recover all deleted contacts using menu button top right corner in app.
You restore & recover contacts using this app easily
You restore & recover contacts display in your device con
* deleted contact recovery.
* Your adress book is secure and safe. We don't access or store your contacts.
* Easy restore. No need to any app to restore backup file. Just tap on the *.vcf backup file in the Android recuperar mensajes borrados client.
You can restore & recover contacts of your friends using deleted contacts app.
You can restore & recover contacts of your family using deleted contacts app.
You can restore & recover contacts of your business using deleted contacts app.
* Copy backup file to your computer via USB cable feature.
* Set REMINDER to backup regularly (weekly or monthly)
* Backup Contacts as VCF (VCard)
restore cell phone contacts
how can i get my old contacts back
restore deleted contacts android app
restore deleted contacts android after factory reset
restore deleted contacts samsung android
by K####:
Please dont waste your time