Anti Nyamuk for Android
Mantep nih
Nyamuk di kamar gue semuanya terbang mau keluar tapi kagak bisa wkwkwk..! God job!
Mantap Bner2 bkerja aplikasinya
Aplikasi kecil tinggal sedot..gak perlu racun..good lah
Oh it gives me headache makes me like hdjdjdhehsbf annoyed try at least lower volume but stronger repelent
parah banget ini aplikasi yang sangat sangat berguna, sangat ampuh parah banget ampuhnya. kecoa tikus nyamuk kabur semua. terima kasih
Kagak cuman nyamuk, kecoak, ma tikus,, setan, jin, juga pada cabut , hebat emg ni app, parrah hebat bgt,,,,
Sepertinya bisa dipakai neh
Nyamuk di kamar gue semuanya terbang mau keluar tapi kagak bisa wkwkwk..! God job!
Mari kita coba
The mosquitos don't listen this noise. They stop over the cellphone.
Ads machine.. They just develop worthless apps just to sell useless adds.. What a waste of data, space, time, everything one can think of... UNINSTALLING!
Just lost my data not working
It woiked !!
Oh it gives me headache makes me like hdjdjdhehsbf annoyed try at least lower volume but stronger repelent
Excellent, thanks
Gives a headache
Worked for me.
Tidak berfungsi. Nyamuk sama skali nga ada respon pake ini
Not work, maybe letter i'll try it again
WORK BANGET!!! Ga nyesel nge install :3
tpi masalahnya kok gw juga jdi kyk mao mati yak.. wkwkwk..
Betul betul betul, applikasi yg bermanfaat... good
Well done..
not bad
Cintai produk dalam negeri || programmer indonesia jgn mau kalah dgn orng luar. . Let's do it guys
Susah yeh watak indonesia, ape ape gapernah dliat" dlu bisanye komeng doang, gw bangga ama developer bisa bikin aplikasi ini, elu elu pade bisa kaga? Baca note nya dlu dongos
add more features like we can use in background, please.!.
Aplikasi kecil tinggal sedot..gak perlu racun..good lah
by O####:
Oh it gives me headache makes me like hdjdjdhehsbf annoyed try at least lower volume but stronger repelent