McDelivery Indonesia for Android
Not a really bad app. It just an app with plenty weaknesses and "not good"nesses all over it. Slow response, hang, difficult to use (cz, so many fields to fill until we can finally order smthing), wrong/miss adresses, uncomplete menus, etc. At least, please i beg you guys to link your address database with Google or smthng.
The application is so slow, when i wanted to order fish fillet burger and had placed it to my cart, it showed up that the fish burger didnt exist, but when i called the mc donalds, they had the burger. and its also a little hard to customize our orders. Please make it easier, certain (for the existence of the menu) and faster, thankyou!
Appnya oke kok, no bugs, running smoothly on my redmi 3x. Pesenan nyampe juga termasuk cepet, padahal rmh sy di pelosok wkwk. Thanks juga free big mac nya yaa!
Ini kenapa jadi gabisa masuk sama sekali? Dulu mah fine fine aja deh. Giliran install ulang malah stuck di logo mcd doang. Yaelah
Mau pesan via app hp semua ga tersedia. Kayanya ga konek ke servernya. Pesan via web "barang di pesenan ada yang tidak tersedia" tsnpa petunjuk barang apa. Saya Harus pesan 1-1 gitu? Bahkan pesan menu standar kaya ayam dan mc spicy aja masih sama. Pesan via telepon kelamaan ditanyain nama alamat no telp tau2 ditutup wtf. Buang pulsa. Wasting time
Open your app in the midnight, really gives me PAIN in the eyes! Please consider to change the "loading page" color. So i gave three stars for review.
Everything working except the checkout, it always return request timed out. Yet it works just fine on registering and choosing the menu. A total waste of time
It was bad from the start but it gets worse lately, I can't even open it (and don't blame my phone, it's new and have plenty memory unless this app needs hideously large ram). "request time out" appears so often the very moment I open the app. It's not real time track either, it often shows delivered but the fact was not yet delivered, sometime I need to wait way too long before it actually arrived. That's all my complaint. Others are okay.
Nice app & great delivery service! Lebih mudah digunakan untuk memesan ketimbang harus menelpon ke 14045, aplikasinya responsif & bekerja dengan baik di Redmi Note 4 saya! Sejauh ini belum ada kendala ya untuk aplikasi dan delivery servicenya. Order juga gak pake lama, within a minute! Abis order pesenan saya langsung dikerjakan saat itu juga. Two thumbs up!
Even if I haven't received the order placed, the App shows delivered, Not sure how is it updating and that too always within 30 minutes. Nice App for ordering but for tracking the order placed, very disappointing.
Applikasinya gajalan, error. Di buka cuman gambar logo doang. Tolong diperbaiki dong, padahal 3x orderan sebelum update baru, selalu lancar lancar aja. Mohon diperbaiki. Terima Kasih
The app won't open correctly since 2 or 3 weeks ago, it's just show the McD logo for looong of time and then won't open the menu, please fix it, other than that only 2 stars u deserve
App nya jelek banget. Lokasi ga sinkron dengan Google Maps. Kalo mau buat aplikasi kayak gini, pake sistem lokasi nya juga dong, tapi yang bener. Gojek aja maps nya jalan, lah masa app dari Fast Food Restaurant ternama ga bisa kayak Gojek?
Update alamat baru selalu tidak ditemukan, sblm update sptnya ga masalah, sangat non user friendly bgt setelah upgrade, pdhal call ke 14045 alamat lancar krn mcd terdekat dr rmh tdk jauh.
The apps is not working. From the start, it only show the mcd logo, nothing else. I've been waiting for years but the apps still freezing.
Masih banyak nya error terutama di status order, pengalaman saya saya order di jam 19:13 dan pada jam 19:40 saya melakukan tracking order dan status order saya deliverd di jam 19:55 padahal di jam saya masih jam 19:41. tolong segera diperbaiki atau di buat kembali applikasi yang bagus
Status ada tulisan pesanan selesai. Belum ada yang konfirmasi atau makanan datang. sudah 79 menit sejak pesan makanan. pantesan mcdeliver kalah sama gojek. jarak rumah saya ke mcd hanya 839 m. 79 menit kirim makanan. get up dont be lazy mcd driver.
Everytime I try to open this app, It failed to connect to the server. Does anything wrong? I've already check my mobile network and there's nothing wrong with it, it still 4G . Does anyone have the same problem like me?
Mau order tapi pas masukin alamat gk bsa, alasannya nama jalan tidak sesuai atau terlalu jauh. Padahal alamatnya hanya 2km dari mcd terdekat. Cba dong sistem order alamatnya di singkronkan dengan googlemap biar lbh gampang.
Aplikasinya kurang memuaskan. Pas mau delivery hambatannya ada di alamat. Katanya tidak ditemukan alamatnya. Padahal rumah saya dengan mcd cuma 100 m saja. Upgrade dong map yg ada di mcd. Masa kalah sih sama gojek. Map nya jangan terpusat dengan kota2 besar saja dong. Kota Tegal atau kota2 lainnya juga diperluas lagi. Segera diperbaiki
Very heavy app and very slow as well. I'm hungry and I want to order fast!
Freezing itu aja mau kemana mana, berarti ini semenjak update terakhir, soalnya sebelum ini lancar djaya
bagus sih, tapi lain kali pengantarnya diminta bawa handphone dong. saya tinggal di kosan dan nungguin pesanannya, dan ternyata masnya sudah datang tapi tidak membawa handphone jd tidak bisa mengabari saya. yang ada saya malah dimarahi oleh masnya, haah mengecewakan. gamau lagi order delivery.
Aplikasinya sejak update terakhir gak bisa jalan. Background merah sama tulisan mcd doang, gak ganti2... Niat bikin aplikasi gak sih?!@$%#%@&
aplikasi pesan makanan ribetnya seperti perbankan wkwkwkw.. kode verifikasi email 30digit alfanumberik wkwkkww.. siapa juga yg mau pakai nih app yg ribet seperti ini, aplikasi seperti ini harusnya memudahkan gak perlu aman, orang niatnya pengen order, emang ada yg mau di colong dari database elu??? wkwkw dasar developer goblok, sumpah goblok banget, gojek aja yg ada duitnya aja simple gak ribet, ini cuman alikasi MESEN aja ribetnya setengah mati ... wkwkwkw.. terlalu ribet passwordnya kudu alfanumberik, kode konfirmasi email gak meungkinkan diketik saking panjangnya, apa gak mikir nih mcd ?? sok aman sok keren tapi gak ada penggunanya wkwkwkw.. pecat aja developernya..
Seharusnya ada tombol cancel sebelum di proses, jadi bisa di cancel, pesan jam 22.20,est pesanan 00.35,mau dibatalin ga bisa, brg jam 00.10 status DELIVERED, sudah saya telp mau dibatalkan ga bisa, brg sampe jam 1.20....hebattttt.....aplikasi pemerkosa, karena client dibohongi... Status delivered brg belum sampe....
Freeze at loading screen. Bravo dev team. How many sales have you lost?
Hari ini pesan happy meal via mcDelivery.. dan sudah minta mainannya jangan sama TAPI ketika pesanan sampai mainannya ( yang seharusnya Super Mario) berbeda!! Ada little pony, hello Kitty, Batman,Ninja turtles
So, how do i open it, the app stuck in the "M" logo in my jelly bean, please fix it dude, its look so messy app
First install and use it and I didn't experience anything bad, apps works well and my order came faster than estimated. Good apps. But please make confirmation code more simple, because too much number. Thanks
Aplikasi stuck di logo, tidak bisa masuk apalagi digunakan. Kalo memang aplikasi ini sudah tidak berjalan, lebih baik take out saja dari Play Store
So helpfull makasih mcd jadi gausah jauh2 pergi ke tmptnya langsung, tapi saat buka appnya kok lama ya? Most of all tetep bagus kok. Keep up the good work
I can't open this app, got stuck every time on mcd logo with red background and cant get inside the app. Pls fix it ty
Mau register akun aja gak muncul2 activation code nya. Udah muter2 cek email dan spam tetep gada. Payahhh bikin aplikasi nya krg niat nih..
Mendingan di delete saja dr playstore kalau ga serius garap apps nya, udh lama, ga connect, trus udh confirm pesanan ga ada follow up nya, sdh tunggu 30 menit lebih tau2 track order nya hilang sendiri....CUPU !
The app just stuck in the big yellow m logo of yours on my redmi 3 pro. Nevermind using this, I'll just walk to the restaurant myself.
Decent app, but it took me 30+ minutes just to determine the address. Please develop a pinpoint feature on gmaps or something easier maybe?
The problem is only one, which is unable to set address. Whereas i live in CENTRAL JAKARTA. Yet, when i type my address, the app CANNOT find the address. What a shame. Such a useless app. Please FIX this!
Aplikasi ini mengecewakan saya. Samapai saya telpon ke 14045 katanya lagi ada perbaikan tapi kenapa lama sekali. Saya kecewa
by U####:
Ask for more ketchup at remarks box and got just 3 ketchups. So how many ketchup would i got if i didnt ask for more? It would be better if this app have a comment or review box for the packet sent to customer I cant find my location so i choose nearest location, which is far enough, to order. Since 2 years ago (?) or maybe more