About English - Indonesia Dictionary
Indonesia is a country with a large population as well as the USA ( United States of America ) , England and many other countries that use English . Given this dictionary , the language differences are not an issue when you communicate with others both when Indonesian or English .
In addition to this dictionary you need to download Mp3 dictionaries that Indonesian or English you become more fluent . These apps also comes with a copy of the word and immediately interpreted in this dictionary, abang ubermotor, abang gojek, abang grabbike juga suka seperti iwan fals, rhoma irama, lagu indonesia, lagu anak, lagu daerah, lagu bali, lagu iwan fals, judika, lagu isyana, lagu fatin, lagu once, lagu afgan, syahrini, lagu raisa, dewa 19, lagu jawa, lagu sunda, lagu dangdut, lagu pop, lagu rock, lagu cinta, tembang lawas.
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