Panduan GO CLEAN Gojek for Android
Bapak/Ibu/Mas/Mba layanan ini memberikan layanan untuk bersih-bersih rumah yang bias di panggil melalui aplikasi dari PT Gojek. Jadi kalau malas bersih-bersih rumah, bias menggunakan jasa ini.
Berikut ini beberapa layanan yang ditawarkan oleh Gojek dalam Go-Clean yaitu :
Layanan yang disediakan adalah :
Vacuum and Sweep
Dish Washing
Linen and Bed
Bathroom Sanitizing
Floor Mapping
Services that have been presented by PT Gojek Indonesia is Go-Clean is a home hygiene services by dialing the start of Gojek.Mr / Mrs / Mas / MBA This service provides a service to clean the house that bias on the call through the application of PT Gojek. So if lazy to clean the house, using the services of this bias.
Here are some of the services offered by the Go-Clean Gojek namely:
Services provided are:
Vacuum and Sweep
Dish Washing
Linen and Bed
Bathroom Sanitizing
floor Mapping