About Uni-dit
Uni-dit helps you manage your university life by helping you with semesters, courses, lessons, teachers and your tests and exams too.
You can see yor actual results and how many points you have to collect to reach a better grade.
The application will counts your points, your only task is to set your tests, exams result.
Find useful information such as your credits, mean, weighted average (gpa), corrected credit index, and even how many courses your have passed / failed.
See summarization about your lessons, tests in a course.
With Uni-dit you will never have problems with your ringing phone during lessons and tests: it gives you opportunity to mute your phone during tests and lessons.
You often forget tests? Or going to classes? No, not with Uni-dit! Just set a reminder before lessons or tests. Your gratest dream comes true! You no longer miss any lesson!
If these were not enough! Import your semesters, courses, lessons, teachers a more easier way with import function. unfortunately this is available only with ETR by now.