HBO GO Croatia for Android
Horrible app full of bugs and crashes. UI is also completely unintuitive and with extra clicks everywhere. Simply horrible experience... The app is a joke.
App crashes all the time, I can't get through 30 minute show without restarting it. It's annoying and frustrating. Don't even get me started on the casting feature, connection holds for 4 minutes tops on 30mbps internet. Seriously, this is embarrassing.
Disaster! Can't cast to ChromeCast - crashes every time.
Only mobile experience, casting doesn't work. App just crashes endlessly when you try...
It crashes more often than Radimir Čaćić and Mladen Grdović together. Mostly when trying to cast to Chromecast.
It crashes every time I try to stream on samsung smart tv or chromecast...please change your developers
Aplication crashes whenever I try to cast it on chromecast.
Constantly crashing, and very slow. Htc 10
Constantly crashes, especially when trying to cast to Chromecast...
Crashing while trying to stream to Chromecast.
Aplikaciju sam instalirao na Samsung Galaxy Tab A sa Tele2 mobilnim internetom (4G) i nalazim se u HRVATSKOJ, a aplikaciju ne mogu koristiti jer, (citiram poruku koju dobijem svaki put kad pokrenem aplikaciju): "USLUGA NIJE DOSTUPNA U ZEMLJI U KOJOJ SE NALAZITE VEĆ SAMO U SLOVENIJI, HRVATSKOJ, BOSNI I HERCEGOVINI ... itd, itd". U koju bih ja to zemlju sada trebao otići da bih mogao koristiti nešto što plaćam 75,00 kn mjesečno ??????????????
ChroneCast ne radi više. Popravitiiiiiii...... Najgora aplikacija koju sam ikada probao.
I lovers facing evriting on tivi
Crashes when connecting with chromecast
Sramota od aplikacije
Ne radi
Manual connection check every few minutes on connection glitches is very irritating. It should be automatic.
Svakih nekoliko minuta connectivity check.... a na 4G sam sa brzinama od 70 do 100 Mbps. Dajte to rijesite
Pazi chromecast korekcija jebo vas korekcija koja opet ne radi
Aplikacija ne radi ako je spojena preko tele2 kucnog interneta.
Poluproizvod. Traljavo za korištenje i nepouzdano.
Veza stalno puca. Lose!
Veza se ne spaja
Stalno veza puca na 4G navodno najkvalitetnijim mrežama Trulih kobila i ViP-a, jednako na mobilnim kao i WiFi (kučne mreže), brzina je preko 30 Mbps DL i UL (čak je često UL i daleko veći od DL), pa malo malo puca veza u samoj aplikaciji
Buffers and plays few seconds of video then just keeps looping those few seconds...
Veza konstantno puca.
Chromecast? Android TV? Kad će podrška za to?
Please create Android TV app.
The video quality is as bad as it can get and the app is buggy as hell. For me it crashes most of time or just freezes which is quite painful to watch.
Why no more Chromecast support???
smece obicno
Aplikacija je super, ali postoji neke gluposti poput toga da mi neda da gledan nešto jer kaže da se trenutačno reproducira na nekom drugom uređaju kad doslovno ni jedan drugi nije upaljen. Ako to uspijete popraviti, dat cu 5 zvjezdica (Nakon jos par dana, ovo je tolika smetnja da nemogu dat vise od 2 zvjezdice). I dodajte opciju za mijenjanje rezolucije, glupo je da nemamo kontrolu oko toga I da stalno skače kvaliteta.
It does not support Chromecast and also it crashes a lot+on my LG G3 when I start to watch something it doesn't hide the back, home and square icons.
Katastrofa. Rusi se na htc one x i na xperia z1 compact. Ajd, barem mi radi na samsung tabletu....
Inace izvrsna aplikacija ali ne radi na 5.0, pri pokretanju videa se rusi
Jedino sto mu moze zasmetati je slabija internet veza, a sve ostalo radi besprijekorno.
Sve 5, ispravljam svoju ocjenu !
Aplikacija uopce ne prikazuje video. Samo se srusi. Sramota za uslugu koju placam.
by Z####:
Application is just endless source of frustration... Latest version crashes when you try to stream from S7 to chromecast ultra. You have to select subtitle each and every time - can't this be a global setting? Volume changes on each play. App disconnects from chromecast - if you restart it you somehow end up with one app casting and another on your phone. You have to stop casting and start casting again. I'm thinking about canceling subscription - content is just not worth enough to deal with this app. Netflix app is not perfect but compared to this one it's superb.