About 于良發通訊
本校為基督教九龍五旬節會於一九八六年在粉嶺璧峰路創辦的一所政府資助小學,原名為五旬節靳茂生小學。創校翌年分設上下午校。十多年來,培育學童,造福社會,深受家長和學生歡迎與愛戴,成為區內數一數二的大規模小學。一九九八年七月,本校接獲教育局(前教育署)通知,獲選為北區在政府推行小學全日制政策下的受惠學校,五旬節靳茂生小學上下午校分拆為兩所全日制小學;校董會推薦五旬節靳茂生小學上午校在一九九九年九月遷往新校,使用新校舍,並定名五旬節于良發小學。 Hair in good communication provides one-stop instant messaging platform, so that parents keep abreast of the situation of children in school.
Kowloon Pentecostal Christian school in 1986 will Pik Fung Road, Fanling, founded by a government-funded primary schools, formerly known as the Pentecostal Gin Mao Sheng Elementary School. Founding the following year is divided into morning and afternoon school. Ten years, nurturing children, the benefit of the community, parents and students are welcome and deeply loved, becoming one of the best large-scale school district. July 1998, the school received a Department of Education (former Education Department) notice, elected government to implement whole-day schooling in the North under the policy to benefit the school, the Pentecostal Gin Mao Sheng Primary School was split into two full-time elementary school; Council recommended Pentecostal Gin Mao Sheng Primary School in September 1999 moved to a new school, with the new school, and naming Pentecostal Yu Leung Fat Primary School.
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