About Hindi Matrimony. Free Chat. Find Life Partner
* Find suitable Hindi language life partner for marriage. Free registration, profile creation, search, chat, messages and notifications.
* If you like any man or woman, you can discuss anything, or, give your mobile number / email / whatsapp number using free chat.
* Find suitable Hindi language members based on your religion, place and preferences.
* Search by caste/community, job, education, place, marital status...
* Send free messages to members.
* If member is online, you can chat for free.
* Free mobile notifications and desktop notifications.
Free Privacy protection and Security :
* Give your contact details only to those you like using free chat.
* Nobody can know your mobile / email unless you tell them in free chat
* Block any member from chat or from sending messages and replies.
* Block members by age, marital status, language, place, community, religion etc..
* Bad words will be automatically deleted from chat messages, and those members will be blocked.
* Safe and Secure.
* https security.
Activity :
* List of profiles you have seen.
* List of members who viewed your profile.
* 'Like' profiles, and see the list later.
* List of members who liked your profile.
* 'Ignore' profiles from search results.
* Upload upto 10 photos.
Find Hindi language brides or grooms of all countries, communities, unmarried, divorced, widowed, or waiting for divorce.
Search by state, district, place, pincode, employed in government, private or business.
This app is only for Hindi language members.
You can contact both male and female members. Find good person to marry and make life happy.
Find match for your son, daughter, brother or sister. This app is free. This is only around 1MB and you can download quickly. Images and files are optimized to save mobile data. So, you may spend less money on mobile internet data charges.