Applied Ballistics Toolbox

Applied Ballistics Toolbox$5.48

Rated 3.58/5 (12) —  Free Android application by Jacob Hess

About Applied Ballistics Toolbox

Designed by Bryan Litz, Applied Ballistics, this collection of utilities is especially useful for long range shooters. Many calculations such as bullet stability, sight scale factors, density altitude and more are collected in this easy-to-use package. Regardless of what ballistic solver you use, this toolbox is a valuable tool that puts many common calculators at your fingertips. The Applied Ballistics Auxiliary Toolbox contains the following useful utilities:

Spin Doctor:
Calculate the gyroscopic stability of your bullet based on your bullets: caliber, weight, length, velocity in your specific atmosphere. Spin Doctor answers the question about what bullets will be stable in your rifle. Furthermore, Spin Doctor tells you if a particular bullet is under stabilized, and how much the Ballistic Coefficient (BC) of the bullet may be compromised due to marginal stability.
Spin Doctor contains a bullet library which includes bullet: length, weight, caliber, G1 and G7 BC's. In this way, the Spin Doctor app also functions as a basic BC look up. The bullet/BC library contained in Spin Doctor contains all the live fire measured BC's that are published by Bryan Litz in: "Ballistic Performance of Rifle Bullets".
The Spin Doctor app works with English and metric units.

Density Altitude:
The Density Altitude (DA) utility calculates DA based on various combinations of environmental data. English and metric units are supported as well as barometric pressure and altitude vs. station pressure. This utility is useful just to see, for example, how much a given temperature or pressure change affects your DA.

Sight Scale Factor:
One of the most common reason shooters miss targets at long range is because scope turrets don't always track accurately. For example, you might dial 30 MOA but only get 29 MOA from your scope. The Sight Scale Factor (SSF) utility allows you to calculate a scale factor to correct your calculated drop based on your scope error. The way it works is, you conduct a 'Tall Target Test' at 100 yards where you measure your Point Of Impact (POI) shift and you input your expected (dialed) POI shift. The calculator determines a SSF that you need to apply in a ballistics program to correct for improperly tracking scopes, putting you on target at long range.
The SSF utility works with MILS and MOA, as well as meters and yards.

MIL Ranging:
The MIL Ranging utility calculates range based on the size of a target in your reticle.

Slope Dope:
The Slope Dope utility corrects your drop based on angle fire based on the Improved Rifleman's Rule. Works with English and metric units.

This utility corrects your Muzzle Velocity (MV) based on the distance from the muzzle to the chronograph. When you place your chronograph out in front of the muzzle, the velocity you measure is actually a little bit slower than your true MV. This utility allows you to correct for that small amount of velocity decay so you know what your true MV is. This utility works with both English and metric units.

How to Download / Install

Download and install Applied Ballistics Toolbox version 1.2 on your Android device!
Downloaded 500+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package: hess.jacob.ballisticutilitiestoolbox, download Applied Ballistics Toolbox.apk

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App History & Updates

What's Changed
Added hPa as a unit for pressure
Added the speed of sound as an output for Density Altitude
Added more items to the Target Size List
Added the “Copy BC” button
More downloads  Applied Ballistics Toolbox reached 500 - 1 000 downloads
Version update Applied Ballistics Toolbox was updated to version 1.2

What are users saying about Applied Ballistics Toolbox

by R####:

I got this app specifically for the spin doctor. The spin doctor claims to account for velocity, but it does not. Weather you put zero or 3500 fps for the velocity you get the same result. Before I wrote this review is attempted to contact the app's author about this problem and have been ignored. Terrible customer service. I will retract my 1 star rating when the problem is fixed and they do not falsely advertise functions the app doesn't have.

by R####:

Buggy program. Density altitude doesn't function as advertised. Three uninstalls and three reinstalls didn't fix the problem.

by R####:

Only spin doctor works, all other fields were inoperable!

by N####:

Handy tool to add to the collection. Especially like the spin doctor

by D####:

Great tools to have on the fly

by N####:

Handy tool to add to the collection. Especially like the spin doctor

by N####:

Having the calculators in one place is handy. I would like to see a size table of common objects in the field for ranging. For example, typical car wheel rim, door handle height, standard signage, etc.

by T####:

As a long range shooter and ballistician, I assisted in the development of this collection of useful calculations. Regardless of which ballistics program you use, this app is a useful tool. It contains the entire library of Applied Ballistics bullet BC's (G1 and G7) which are published in "Ballistic Performance of Rifle Bullets". Read the description of the many useful utilities and applications!

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