Know Palestine اعرف فلسطين for Android
May palestine live forever insha allah (form somalia)
A Israel remember Allah is Watching you just remember a judgement day.
الله أكبر يا وطن. .
I love The people of Palistine I love peaceful Jews. I hate the fact that palistine people are being treated like this by the Israel government. Palistine or Israeli Muslim or Jew no body should hurt an innocent. Too many people have sold their sole to the Devil by hurting innocent people. Please help people who are oppressed in Palestine. I love you all brothers sisters mothers fathers.
And informative but there's more room for improvement
ماشاء برنامج جميل وبسيط. ياريت يتم التحديث واضافة معلومات عن المدن والقرى ولكل فلسطين. معلومه اخرى وكان المطور يتحدث عن فلسطين على انها الضفه الغربيه فقط للاسف.. انا الصراحه اعطيت تقييم 3 نجوم لا لشيء الا لانه فلسطيني. لو تجنب المطور الملاحظات السابقه لاستحق 5 نجوم... وياريتني اعرف برمجه كان عملت اكثر لفلسطين مثل الاخ المطور.
Let the world know...let the time tells... that israhell will extinct in the end.
Freedom for the Arab Palestine.
I love The people of Palistine I love peaceful Jews. I hate the fact that palistine people are being treated like this by the Israel government. Palistine or Israeli Muslim or Jew no body should hurt an innocent. Too many people have sold their sole to the Devil by hurting innocent people. Please help people who are oppressed in Palestine. I love you all brothers sisters mothers fathers.
And informative but there's more room for improvement
As german, really easy to see it's nothing more than lies.
Need more technical improvements, but good step to let people know about Palestine.. Palestine and only will be free
We are not lier
Great App
And informative but there's more room for improvement
Long live Palestine
I bet you have never been a Palestinian but an unhealthy-minded intruder trying to promote a fictional version of my country. I hope they locate you and put you to justice the way that satisfies reason.
Occupied Palestine will be free Palestine soon insha Allah
it is a good thing that there is a app on the play store about palestine but there is one this that is really wrong.. why would u put israeli area.. it is all palestine... there is no such thing as israel.... Palestine is not only West bank and Gaza.. it is all of Jerusalem and hayfa and 3aka and tabaria and tel alrabee3 ( its not tel aviv)...
Good app, more work needed. Some correction : drive on left,not right. Currency Shekel is a discussion point. Good work
Great way to tell lies ;)
there is no palestine...
Nice programme
There is no land for israel. Refugee Jews
We are not lier
I'm a Palestine so I'm proud
Gd app i love it thnx
It is full of lies.The so called "palestinians" are nothing but immgrants who came to israel in the 19th and 20th centuries.The Jews are the real palestinians.
I need say this is very small application .. nice .. Really I love idea and application implementation with nice design.
Brilliant app. end Israeli apartheid policies-end illegal occupation- end terrorism.
Not a bad attempt but a few grammatical errors. Furthermore, you should include all the cities of historical Palestine, not just the West Bank and G
ممتاز، و مين قليل الضمير اللي معطي نجمة وحدة
Needs to be informative.
برنامج إسرائيلي وليس لمعرفة فلسطين
i am waiting Arabic version
Thank u brother for this app.
Thanks fro this app .soo cool
كلامك عن فلسطين كأنك لا تعلم شيء عن فلسطين. فلسطين من النهر الى البحر و ليست الضفة الغربية و القطاع و لن نترك شبراً للذل و سنحرر فلسطين من النهر الى البحر و عندها لن نسمح لك و لامثالك بدخول فلسطين. عار عليك ان تقول ما قلت عن فلسطين، و كان الاجدر بك ان نذكر التاريخ كاملا من ايام النكبة مرورا بالثورة الفلسطينية الجبارة بعملياتها و صمودها و شهدائها و البطولات التي قدمها الشعب الفلسطيني من معركة الكرامة و دلال المغربي عملية الطيران الشراعي و الصمود في بيروت و المهندس الشهيد يحيى عياش و الرنتيسي و ياسر عرفات
by S####:
It is Palestine from the river to the sea.