학교생활안전매뉴얼 for Android
각 상황별로 적절한 행동 매뉴얼을 동영상과 액션플랜으로 제공하는 한편, 안전학습을 위한 퀴즈도 제공하고 있으며 비상시 비상전화 연결기능을 제공하고 있습니다.
School Safety Manual apps are classified as elementary / middle / high eight categories of student accidents that may occur in schools outside the education and lives for the safety of students thereto usual calm and safety training to respond quickly and The app is designed to be used for safety awareness.While providing the appropriate action manual for each situation as a movie and action plans, provide for the safety quiz and learning and to provide emergency emergency call connection.
This pathetic trash.
또라이같네 ㅋㄱㄱ
으응~~니 ㅇㅁ~~
by T####:
이걸꼭 깔아야합니까