In the dynamic world of restaurant management, where efficiency and customer satisfaction are paramount, the need for innovative solutions has never been greater. As the industry evolves, restaurateurs are increasingly turning to technology to streamline operations, enhance customer experiences, and manage their businesses more effectively.
by N####:
Gue kasi bintang 5 jin, kalo ada 7 gue beri dah, overall ok Catatan aja kalo bisa, musik pengingatnya diilangin ya, cukup beep2 ajah, atau keluarin getar atau lampu, kasian yg bawa kendaraan deg2an ngejar absen jd ngebut atau yg lagi rapat diluar jd malu diliat teman rapat hp nya nyanyi2 hehe Itu beberapa keluhan teman yg gue denger, gue sendiri ga ada masalah so far so good