About Buzz Ring
Make a buzz ring after a timer countdown to selected number, or schedule a phone call automatically at a selected time. The call is ended automatically in the seconds you want.
--- Now there's a new Geo Buzz feature for a geolocalized call! You can use this for your driving safety or for notify when you arrive in a place with a buzz ring. ---
A Buzz Ring is a call with automatic close of the call after certain seconds. Many terms describes this, as "flash me", "buzz", "missed call", etc.
Possible uses are many!
If you drive make a buzz ring when you are in a place with the Geo Buzz without use your hands.
If you must make a buzz ring easy to a number when you drive or you need to call after a certain time this app is for you!
If you have to remind a friend for an event at a certain time of the day program a buzz ring without having to constantly check the time!
Your girlfriend seeks attention through continuous ringing? Why not schedule them?
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by A####:
There should be an option to enter the no. of times miss call should be made for given duration.if u want that 10 times than it should call particular no. and than hang up 10 times at one touch.