About Tips for Tomba 2
this a guide tomba 2 ,An asterisk (*) will denote which item you need
A hyphen (-) will tell event to trigger event
An equal sign (=) will tell how to do it
Find Tabby! -The first mission of the game.
- you need to start the Tomba! 2 game to get this one.
= finish the game
Go to the Burning House!
- immediately after introduction ( Town of Fishermen)
= walk straight on the path until you encounter a see-saw contraption,
get on and go to the background, follow the path there and head to the
place where the screaming man is.
Pour the Water In!
- after the burning house event
= fill the bucket with water, to get water just pull down the see-saw
contraption will equipped with the bucket to catch the water that comes
out of the spout.
Save the Crab!
-after the burning house event
= give the old man 2 buckets of water
you get: Golden Crab
Wind it Up!
*get the star shaped cog hanging around the first area
-when you talk to the man in the bridge control
=go talk to Ark in the house in the point and give him the star-shaped
The Crab Basket!
-after the wind up event, when you cross the bridge
=throw the pig with the basket then get it back.
A Red Treasure Chest
-try to open a red chest without the red key
=after the windmill events, Kainen(the old man in the fire) will give
you the key, then open a red chest
Adventurer's Chest
-try to open an adventurer's chest(stone with snout, AP written on it)
=open one with enough AP
Adventurer's Clue
-after the adventurer's chest event
=get all 5 Adventurer's Chest, locations in item section Is this a guide tomba 2, An asterisk (*) will denote the which items you need
A hyphen (-) will tell the event to trigger an event
An equal sign (=) will tell how to do it
Find Tabby! -The first mission of the game.
- you need to start the Tomba! 2 games to get this one.
= Finish the game
Go to the Burning House!
- immediately after introduction (Town of Fishermen)
= Walk straight on the path until you encounter a see-saw contraption,
get on and go to the background, follow the path there and head to the
place where the screaming man is.
Pour the Water In!
- after the burning house event
= Fill the bucket with water, to get water just pull down the see-saw
will contraption equipped with the bucket to catch the water that comes
out of the spout.
Save the Crab!
-after the burning house event
= Give the old man 2 buckets of water
you get: Golden Crab
Wind it Up!
* Get the star shaped cog hanging around the first area
-when you talk to the man in the bridge control
= Go talk to Ark in the house in the point and give him the star-shaped
The Crab Basket!
-after the wind-up event, when you cross the bridge
= Throw the pig with the basket then get it back.
A Red Treasure Chest
-try to open a red chest without the red key
= After the windmill events, Kainen (the old man in the fire) will give
you the key, then open a red chest
Adventurer's Chest
-try to open an adventurer's chest (stone with snout, AP written on it)
= Open one with enough AP
Adventurer's Clue
-after the adventurer's chest event
= Get all 5 Adventurer's Chest, locations in the item section