BMI Calculator (free) for Android
I downloaded only to post this review. I am not going to use as developer is rude and should really think be he writes in the description of app.
You rock with your rant!! The app works well, thanks for putting ignorance in its place! Thumbs up! More Devs should follow your example!
Dumb people should not be allowed within 6 feet (or is that inches) of a smartphone. I deal with idiot users and their "reviews" daily.
I downloaded this, not bc i needed my BMI, that i already knew, but loved the dev's comments! & it does works PERFECT too! (For those w a
The application itself is not bad. However, the developer is completely unprofessional. If you act like a mature adult, I may change my rating.
I installed this app just to say "right on, dev!" Don't give a one-star review just because you're too ignorant to use the app properly.
Anyone complaining about no age or gender is an idiot. BMI is one number for everyone: kg/m^2. That's it. Age and gender do NOT effect it at all.
Best app description ever! I am sick of us developers have to program so that stupid people who don't want or can't read instructions are able to use
It does what its supposed to do, its about as acurate as what the military uses for pfa... These are never perfect and never will be. If you want 100% acurate go to a doctor and request it.
Props to someone finally telling the idiots of this world the truth. This app works fine as many have proved, people just need to stop being retards.
Was accurate for me. And btw idiots muscle weighs more than fat so u r gonna have a heavier weight. U need an actual bmi tool to get urs.
I know how you feel. I'm not a dev, but yup...a lot of people are idiots! Remember...Smartphones make Dumb people Dumber! Muahahahahaha!
Good app overall, very straightforward. I don't understand why those idiotic comments are there. Also, no landscape view for phones with sliding keyboards. I have to rotate my head to read.
This app is deal. Told me im underweight. Im most definitely not.
Works flawlessly with metric & English units. Cretins have been cloning. "Metric. 1 star." Retards get no compassion. Read and don't breed.
And the app works great too. the people that have problems with it are the ones warning labels were designed for, I think...
The people who complain are stupid because they clearly don't know how to use this. Mine was accurate, as always
There wasan article about your app and your rant on phandroid. Your app works fine.... people are just too stupid.. lol. good job
The rant is immature and makes you look like a total dick. Its supposed to be a description of the app, not a platform to retaliate against bad review
And by S.I. I mean Stupidity Index calculator. People are too stupid to understand how a simple app works. Thanks for telling it like it is.
This does exactly what I want it for! It calculates the BMI, and it explains, which category the resulting BMI falls into. The results are accurate and correct, which puts this app clearly above average. Up to now I've had to choose between using bulky apps with loads of useless extra features, or calculating the BMI with a normal calculator. This app is nice, small and simple!
Good simple app does what it's supposed to do quickly, neatly, with a minimum of fuss. Love the developer's description so much.
Does exactly what it states and well at that. If you arent very bright then get another app, the app isn't wrong, you just can't use it.
Dumbas$$es that dwnld just to leave a neg remark are bigger idiots then the ones too dumb to use it! This app works! 5stars for a simple, working app & for saying what u think about idiot complainers! :-D
As long as you bother to read the (extremely simple) instructions! Maybe the developer could avoid the negative thickies by presenting some first-time setup screens on first use? And/or some sanity range-checking on input values? Just a suggestion, it works fine for me as it is.
Works exactly as described, i feel for the dev. Just think over half a million new Android devices a day, there's going to be a good number of idiots
Please people learn metric system before abusing the app. works great and accurate. no problem till now.
This app is as simple as it gets. I'm giving a 5 Star rating for this developer's balls to the wall attitude! Two thumbs way up!
Easy bmi calculator unless you have the IQ of an infant. If so, I suggest the app that involves you playing frogger on the freeway.
Works great. I hope you make a similar tool for kids too. Lmao@ the developer commentary though!
5 stars simply for the description! People need to learn to read.
Learn to read. BMI is calculated properly, so the app does what it says. It's not dev's fault that you are not able to convert units...
This app can not be any more simple to use. As a dev myself, I feel for this dev and the stupid comments and bad ratings he gets.
I downloaded this after reading about your great description on Phandroid. I also bought the paid ver to show my support, keep up the great work!
I'm glad the Army doesn't say I'm overweight. I've still got about 5 pounds that I could gain. They must use a different standard. Great app!
Very accurate. Planning to undergo weight related surgery. Showed exactly to decimal of what my doc said.
Good app. Dev has a right to be mad about sum comments. Maybe this should be marketed as an IQ app. LOL
I use this program in my medical work. I have had no rounding errors and can calculate with only a few taps. Low memory usage.
Does exactly what it claims. Anyone slating this clearly doesn't understand what BMI is. Yeah it's not that good an indication of fitness (being based solely on weight and height) as it will show a lot of sportsman as overweight, but that's the fault of the equation, not the dev. For an 'average joe' it will be pretty accurate.
by M####:
Very bad! Said I was obese... When done properly im almost underweight... Calculation for accurate bmi is: (height(m) x height(m)) divided by weight.