Accounting Widget

Accounting Widget Free App

Rated 4.07/5 (1,290) —  Free Android application by HandWallet Expense Manager

About Accounting Widget

Accounting is a small free widget that lets you see anytime the balance of your accounts managed by the HandWallet Expense Manager app on the home screen of the phone.
IN ORDER TO USE THIS WIDGET YOU MUST INSTALL FIRST HANDWALLET - a free professional expense manager that helps you to control your expense, accounts, bills and budget.

Watch this video for general instructions how to install a widget:

Sometimes DUE TO A BUG IN THE ANDROID OS you need to INSTALL ANY WIDGET (not just this one) TWICE before you see it in the widget list (or install and boot your device). If you have a problem in installing this widget please contact and we will try to help.

• Show you your current balance in each of your accounts
• Show overdraft in red!

• Can control the currency of the graph (Dollar, Euro etc)
• Can control the date (today, tomorrow, a week from today and so on).
• Control what accounts to show: bank account, credit card, cash and more..
• Font size, colors, background and date format

• Support multi currencies transactions
• Enter new expense in one click
• Start the HandWallet app in one click
• Based on professional accounting / bookkeeping principles: single entry accounting or double entry accounting.

Why Accounting Widget is better than Excel?
• Because it is more simple and yet has more options
• Because it will give you the full picture and not just the bank or the credit card status

Why to use Accounting Widget?
Because it's the best expense widget. And because we are creating expense manager and accounting software for 10 years and know exactly why most people want to manage expense but only few succeed.

How to start?
1. Download the HandWallet app for free and run it. Check that your language, country and currency are correct. HandWallet will define 3 accounts by default: cash, bank account and credit card.

2. Download and install the " Accounting Widget ". Then find an empty line in the home screen of your phone and put it there. IF YOU DO NOT SEE THE WIDGET IN THE WIDGETS LIST INSTALL AGAIN OR REBOOT.

3. Press the "Menu" button + "new" in the "Actions" tab and log your first expense.

How to control budget?
Press the "data" button then categories. Select your category, for example "car expense". Press the "advanced" button and select the type of budget: fixed budget, summarized budget and so on. You can define a different budget for each period.

How to Download / Install

Download and install Accounting Widget version 1.2 on your Android device!
Downloaded 100,000+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package: free.accounting, download Accounting Widget.apk

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What are users saying about Accounting Widget

by Q####:

You need to have Expense Manager installed, in order to use it. I got addicted to HandWallet apps and add-ons, which is why I installed this one as well. It's like having your own accountant, only a click away. I love it, it makes budget control extremely easy.

by M####:

I love this widget! This is a great addition to the main application hand wallet. Now I don’t have some financial worker it’s just so simple because I have it on my phone. Now I can mange my budget

by Q####:

This is connected to the expense manager. When i open my cp this widget is the 1st thing i see. I like it. Reminds me of my financials.

by J####:

It is wonderful that I can see my own current balance in each of accounts in my phone home screen. Even is shows warning with red for overdraft. That is a nice approach for managing expenses. Good Work!

by P####:

I have downloaded this app after I used another app the Handwallet. The widget summarize my account balance. I can see my up-to-date spending and leftover whenever I go to the home screen. Simple and Clear!

by Q####:

Bahagi ito ng pinaka-main application, kailangan mai-install ang handwallet para ito gumana kaya naman gumanda ung handwallet dahil sa mga add-ons na gaya nito.

by D####:

Some of the best widget apllication in my phone. Now I don't need to remind any expenses, it's avail on my screen to remind something very important.

by Y####:

I have been using this app since last 6 months n I found it very handy n easy to use. It works well in my HTC desire 816.

by Q####:

Informative and important for those who always want to know about their account status. Just by looking at your home screen, you can tell what is going on in your financial life.

by U####:

Este widget no toma mucho espacio en tu celular y es muy fácil de usar. Ni siquiera tienes que ingresar a los apps de tu banco, en caso que necesites saber de inmediato cuanto puedes gastar

by Q####:

Δινει μεγαλη δυνατοτητα καταγραφης ολων των συναλλαγων με την επιλογη των γραφηματων. Ειναι μια απο τις καλυτερες εφαρμογες για την διαχειριση ολων των χρηματων σε μια απλη συσκευη!

by K####:

The widget worked really well . Fit on my screen perfectly and I'm using a new note 5 . So very well done to work on such a new phone

by N####:

You need to have Expense Manager installed, in order to use it. I got addicted to HandWallet apps and add-ons, which is why I installed this one as well. It's like having your own accountant, only a click away. I love it, it makes budget control extremely easy.

by N####:

It's do it's job as a reminder really well. Do a nice job as widget of HandWallet app

by N####:

great if you want to see the balance on home screen

by G####:

You dont need to open the app, all the info now is right on the my tab's homescreen. So it is more convienient for using this widget instead of app. As well as you also need to install HandWallet App. Highly Recommended to all.

by N####:

A useful and easy to use widget, helps keep track of the balance in your acounts, corelated with the HandWallet expence manager app.

by L####:

The Accounting Widget is a part and parcel of the HandWallet Expense Manager app. This widget keeps on showing me the available cash that I have. This makes me cautious about my expenses so that I can be relaxed even during month-ends ;-)

by T####:

What else you can expect from a widget.. It will keep telling you about your earning,expenses whenever you see home screen. Now I can control my budget and limit expenses on my finger tips. Very useful software to get a control and planned expenses. Use it with other software called Handwallet.

by Q####:

Another mind blowing part of handwallet. It lets you see your account balance popped into the home screen without even launching the app.Possibly the best part of the handwallet app. I have many currencies transactions where you will be amazed to know that it's performance is 100% reliable. Really a great app to use.....

by T####:

It's quite easy to use and it's gives me some extra momentum. Thanks a lot dear. Using it more than 1 and half years. Still on of the best accounting app.

by T####:

Its nice app that you can just easily put it in your home screen device and help to manage my budgeting problems.

by U####:

Another great add-on to the Expense Manager. This widget allows you to keep track on your finances right on the home screen. It really makes things easier, if you're in a hurry, you just take a quick glimpse on it and you know how much money you have at the moment. Really easy to use.

by K####:

Bahagi ito ng pinaka-main application, kailangan mai-install ang handwallet para ito gumana kaya naman gumanda ung handwallet dahil sa mga add-ons na gaya nito.

by E####:

Awesome way to keep tract of bank accounts straight from your home screen. This widget also links up with hand wallet which is super handy. Definitely a great add on to have

by T####:

This app amplified its main app (HandWallet) in many ways. It's easy to use too.

by T####:

I use this app to check my balance instantly by just turning my home screen on. Thanks dev team.

by T####:

Aplikasi ini merupakan aplikasi pelengkap dari Hand Wallet Expense Manager. Dengan adanya aplikasi ini di home screen, selalu diingatkan pengeluaran maupun pemasukan sehingga dapat berhati-hati dalam melakukan pengeluaran supaya tidak melebihi anggaran yang ada.

by T####:

In a certain way I prefer it before the hand wallet app because I'm always in a hurry. If you want a quick glance on what's happening with your money this widget turns out quite helpful. I just have hard times pressing the refresh button when I need to see the changes instantly. But thats because of my nails. And well not all Android phones are 5.5 inch. But anyway, if you're in a hurry and have some space on your screen, the widget it is.

by T####:

これはHandWallet Expense Managerの追加機能のウィジェットです。 ます、HandWalletアップをインストールしてからこのウィジェットをインストール。 それから、インストールしたウィジェットをアンドロイド画面に貼り付けます。 正しく機能すれば、各アカウントがウィジェットで表示されます。 各アカウント(手許、口座など)を見られば、予算を決められます。 カードアコウントの使った分も見えます。

by L####:

Wonderful add-on to the Hand Wallet app and is perfect for providing me with a very constant reminder of my expenses and makes it so much easier for me to stay within whatever budget I have made. The app is incredibly easy to use, makes life much easier and I highly recommend it to everyone!

by T####:

You need to have Expense Manager installed, in order to use it. I got addicted to HandWallet apps and add-ons, which is why I installed this one as well. It's like having your own accountant, only a click away. I love it, it makes budget control extremely easy.

by U####:

Another great add-on to the Expense Manager. This widget allows helps you to keep track on your finances right on the home screen. It really makes things easier, if you're in a hurry, you just take a quick glimpse on it and you know how much money you have at the moment. Really easy to use.

by L####:

This is a widget - not a regular app. You need to put it on home screen after install. Works with handwallet expense manager

by T####:

This app comes in as part of hand wallet and true to its name its lets you check ,record and manage your expenses as per your convenient time. Now no need to login or wait for bank statements. ..alls updated at one place..your hand wallet . highly recommended!

by T####:

I can see my financial statements in a second. My phone has everything I need. I really love to see the number of my money in every second.

by B####:

Part of the hand wallet expense manager, allows you to see your account balance on the home screen of your device.

by S####:

This app is a part of th Hand Wallet expense manager family, it let you see your account balance on your home screen without even lunching the app! Do install.

by T####:

I was searching this app since last 1 year now I got.....thanks

by T####:

This widget add-on to the Expense Manager is perfect if you're on-the-go and want to see how you're doing spending-wise. It's simple and quick: just by looking at the home screen of your device, you are able to determine how much money you have, and how much you've spent. I definitely recommend it to anyone who is even remotely a busy person.

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