About CreditCalculator
The features offered by CréditCalculator:
- Determining the amount of reimbursement
- Calculating the amount of capital
- Calculation of the length
- Rate calculation
- Calculation of the cost of credit
- Calculation of the monthly 's insurance
- Calculation of amortization tables by two methods
- Export of amortization tables
The screen opening's CréditCalculator application allows to calculate
- The amount of loan repayment showing capital, rate, duration
- The amount of capital with the amount of the refund rate, duration
- The term of the loan, indicating the capital, the rate, the amount of reimbursement
- The rate of credit indicating the capital, the repayment amount, duration
CréditCalculator also allows indicate the rate of credit insurance to be taken into account in the various calculations.
CréditCalculator indicates the cost of credit and the amount of the monthly insurance when a rate's insurance is indicated.
CréditCalculator allows indicate the rate, the amount of reimbursement and annual or monthly term's radio buttons.
The result is calculated based on the checked radio button.
For example, when calculating the amount of a refund if the Year button is clicked,
the amount will be the annual amount and if the Month button is checked, the amount will be a monthly fee.
CréditCalculator also calculate the table's amortized two calculation methods.
After specifying the capital, the rate, the rate of Insurance (optional), and duration, click on
one of the two buttons at the bottom's screen to calculate and display the array damping in a new window. n
On this window, it is possible to enter the capital, the rate, the rate of insurance, life and generate
a new table's depreciation.
Table's depreciation displayed can then be exported in csv format as an attachment in an email by a click on the Export button.