About Ezhava Matrimony. Free Chat. Find Life Partner.
* Find suitable Ezhava caste / community life partner for marriage. Free registration, profile creation, search, chat, messages and notifications.
* If you like any member, you can discuss anything, or, give your mobile number / email / whatsapp number to the member using free chat and messages.
* Find suitable Ezhava community members of Hindu religion based on your language, place without any searching.
* Search or filter by country, language, job, education, place, marital status...
* Send free messages to members.
* If member is online, you can do free chat.
* Free mobile notifications and desktop notifications.
Free Privacy protection and Security :
* Give your contact details only to those you like.
* Nobody can know your mobile / email unless you tell them in free chat
* Block any member from chat or from sending messages and replies.
* Block members by age, marital status, language, place etc..
* Bad words will be automatically deleted from chat messages, and those members will be blocked.
* Safe and Secure.
Search in Kerala, Tamilnadu or other States.
Ezhava caste is also called as Ilhava, Irava, Izhava, Erava, Thiyyas, Tiyyas, Theeyas, Chovas, Chokons, Chogons in different places. In this app, you can find men or women of these castes also.