About WELCOMEBABY announce your baby
WELCOMEBABY is an app studied, made and dedicated for those mothers and fathers that are about to have a child.
It allows you to announce the birth of your baby in a new and original way
The app was set in six languages:
so we can say that it can be used really by everybody e in any part of the world.
In the home page www.welcomebaby.eu, you’ll find the link sto your store and a demo video that will explain in few steps how to utilize your new purchase.
a part of the gain will be devolded to an ONLUS foundation that is here in Padua, in Italy for who’s whatching from abroad, whose studying on child leukemia.
But what is Welcomebaby, and where does the idea comes from? Well… anyone who knows me know that I’ve been into tender age business for years , selling the best birth ribbons in the world. During this years I’ve seen countless inventions made over childhood world.
What was, i my thaughts, missing was ,perhaps, a way to spread the emotions of that moment in a different from the classic phone call or message.
I then asked myself which could be that different way. After thaughts and considerations i concluded that we could take advantage and optimize the smartphone, since allo f us have one and use it in various ways.
Me and my staff started working out and after many trials we gave birth, absolutely the best way to say, WELCOMEBABY.
Once you dowload the app you’ll be guided step by step to fill all the needed areas. At the end of the process you’ll be able to generate a videoclip that will be saved in your archive just like any other photo or video made istantly and then forward it to all your contacts, for example using a default WhatsApp group, or to your Messenger contacts throgh Facebook, or, even better, posting on your Facebook home page to involve all your friends, or even more, utilizing a less recent messaging such as the typical mms. In short you’ll have many different ways to make the announce to friends and relatives.
italian, english, french, german, spanish and romanian,
Once the app gets started you can choose the favourite language and go on with the process
The price is really ridiculous… the value of a brioche and a cappuccino maybe… but the most important thing is that
So we have found a way to do some good through the creation of a little thing made in fact for a joyfull event.
We want to great you thou…and we want to do it with a little bonus…
Inside the app will be possible to, only if wished, make an upgrade for few cents that will enable Baptisimal Announcement mode that will be used whenever you’ll decide when celebrate the baptisim o your baby and serve as a “virtual invinting card” that can be sent to all the guests you’ll have the pleasure to have on that day.
web site where you’re probably whatching this video if you’re not wahtching it in Facebook or YouTube,
Well now, reaching this moment, on the notes of the song that has been our sound track, all that’s left for me is to great you from the bottom of my heart for your attention, on behalf of me, my staff and all of those who has cooperated with me and on behalf of all those kids that will undirectly have benefits from your purchase and that’s not something to looked down.
Allow me to great someone whoose name is Roberto Cerè, who defines himself as a mental coach e I personally hoe him a lot…not because he inspired me the idea, but because he inspired me the method through his wonderfull seminar. So, Roberto Cerè, if you’re watching me now a heartfull thanks goes even to you.
A big hugg to everyone, hope you’ll be many to celebrate the arrival of your baby.
Good app to everyone!!! See you to the next idea….
Grazie, thank you very much, mercì, viele dank, mucias gracias, multumesc!