About ZFVV
Aplikacija je bila narejena z namenom, da olajša vsem še posebej študentom fakultete za varnostne vede iskanje nekaterih zakonov, ki jih uporabljajo pri študijo ali kjerkoli. Zbrano je le nekaj zakonov, zakonikov, konvencij in resolucij, ki jih uporabljajo študenti tekom leta in morda tudi v prostem času. Z funkcijo »search«, ki jo vsebuje aplikacija se hitrost iskanje poveča in tako omogoča lažje in hitrejše iskanje specifičnih členov. The application was made in order to facilitate everyone especially students of the Faculty of Security Studies find certain laws which are used in the study or anywhere. Collected only a few laws, regulations, codes, conventions and resolutions used by students during the year and maybe even in their free time. By using the "search" contained in the application is the speed of search increases and thus makes it easier and faster to search for specific articles.