Asma ul Husna (Names of ALLAH) for Android
Hz. Ebu Hüreyre (radıyallâhu anh)' dan rivayetle:
"Resûlullah (aleyhissalâtu vesselâm) buyurdular ki: "Allah'ın doksan dokuz ismi vardır. Kim bunları ezberlerse cennete girer. Allah (cc) tektir, teki sever."
"Esma'ul Hüsna", en güzel isimler demektir. Cenab-ı Hakk'ın dört bin ismi vardır.
Kur'an-ı Kerim'de bu isimlerin 99'u bize bildirilmiştir.
(Hammami, Yasin Tefsiri :2)
The essential name of the Almighty Creator, which is confirmed by the religion of Islam, "Allah" has no dictionary meaning.
With the exception of this name, all other names that describe Allah in the Holy Quran are known as the Asma ul Husna:
"The most beautiful names belong to Him (Allah)." ( Surah Al-Hashr, verse 24).
The phrase Asma ul Husna, made up of the word asma, the plural for "name", and husna, meaning beautiful or most beautiful, means "Allah's most beautiful names."The names which are attributes of Allah can be found in the Holy Quran.
In order to familiarise ourselves with Allah, one needs to be familiar with the meanings and implications of His attributes listed below.
Aye Allah! Hamein Tere Bandoun ka Muhtaj Na Bana . Aye Allah ! Qayamath ke ROZ APNA DEEDAAR Naseeb Farma.Aye Allah ! Qayamath ke Din Huzoor (S.A.S) ki Shifaat Naseeb Farma.Aye Allah! Kalme-e-Tayyaba Zuban Per Jari Farma.Ameen.
Some names aren't spelt correctly and because of that people won't pronounce them properly! They are also not in order. Please correct that. Jazakallah
Ar- Rahman
Thanks for this nice tool and content. Wish Al-Fattaah opens our hearts and shows his way to us.
They should do apps for surahs such as yasen aswell. Because we don't have much of a variety
Without arabic how the people pronounce the names of allah, no language can balance same like arabic pronounce so it is dangerous to recite alla's name wrong pronounsation that will give opposit meaning.
BGAK ngerti Bahasanaya M
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Muhtesem Muhtesem
Salam alaikum :) Some names aren't spelt correctly and because of that people won't pronounce them properly! They are also not in order. Please correct that. Jazakallah
They should do apps for surahs such as yasen aswell. Because we don't have much of a variety
Pretty useful Thanks for this nice tool and content. Wish Al-Fattaah opens our hearts and shows his way to us.
by K####:
Aye Allah! Hamein Tere Bandoun ka Muhtaj Na Bana . Aye Allah ! Qayamath ke ROZ APNA DEEDAAR Naseeb Farma.Aye Allah ! Qayamath ke Din Huzoor (S.A.S) ki Shifaat Naseeb Farma.Aye Allah! Kalme-e-Tayyaba Zuban Per Jari Farma.Ameen.