About KutxabankPay
Deskargatu doan KutxabankPay doako app-a eta bihurtu zure mugikorra saltokietan ordaintzeko modurik erosoena; TPVra hurbildu besterik ez duzu, txartel bat izango balitz bezala. KutxabankPay zure kontaktuei dirua bidaltzeko modu azkarrena ere bada, mugikorretik mugikorrera, Bizum zerbitzuarekin. Eta Interneten erosketa seguruak egiteko aukera ematen du, txartel birtuala edo iupay zorro digitala erabiliz. Online Bankako zure pasahitzak baino ez dituzu behar app-an identifikatzeko eta erabiltzen hasteko.
• Nola ordaindu zure mugikorrarekin saltokietan.
Android mugikorra (4.4 bertsioa edo goragokoa) behar duzu, NFC aukera aktibatuta. Instalatu mugikorrean app-a eta karguak egingo diren txartela aukeratu. Ordaindu nahi duzunean, hurbildu mugikorra saltokiko TPVra, sartu PINa, eskatzen badizu, eta kito. Ez duzu estaldurarik eduki behar, ezta app-a ireki behar ere; soilik zure mugikorra desblokeatu behar duzu, normalean egiten duzun moduan.
• Nola bidali eta eskatu dirua zure kontaktuei Bizum zerbitzuaren bitartez.
Doako zerbitzu honen bitartez, dirua unean bertan bidali ahal izango duzu, edo dirua bidaltzeko eskatu. Horretarako, zure mugikorreko agendako kontaktu bat edo batzuk aukeratu behar dituzu, edo telefono-zenbakiak zuzenean sartu. Sistema erraza eta segurua da. Zerbitzua erabiltzeko, dirua bidaltzeko eta jasotzeko erabili nahi duzun kontua zein den soilik esan behar diguzu.
• Nola erosi Interneten modu seguruagoan.
Erabili txartel birtual bat edo ordaindu iupay zorro digitalaren bitartez. Bi sistema horietako edozeini esker, erosketak online egingo dituzu, zure benetako txartelaren datuak eman gabe.
KutxabankPay. Ordaindu dena mugikorrarekin.
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Download the free app for free KutxabankPay and the easiest way to pay your mobile outlets; TPVra close to you just as if it were a card. It is also the fastest way to send money to your contacts KutxabankPay, mobile phone, Bizum service. And allows for safe shopping on the Internet, virtual card, or by using a digital wallet iupay. Online Banking app on your passwords you need is to identify and start using.
• How to pay with your mobile phone outlets.
Android phone (version 4.4 or higher) you need, NFC enabled. Install a mobile app and charges in the card. When you want to pay, to the point of sale mobile TPVra, enter your PIN, if required, and nothing else. You do not have the coverage you need, is to be opened in the app; You only need to unlock your phone, as you would normally.
• How to send and request money Bizum service through your contacts.
Through this free service, you can send the money at the time, or asked to send money. To do this, select one or several contacts in your phone book, or enter phone numbers directly. The system is easy and safe. To use this service, to send and receive money from the account you want to use only what you must say.
• How to buy safely on the Internet.
Use the card to pay for a virtual or digital wallet through iupay. With any of these two systems, you will be shopping online, your actual card without giving details.
KutxabankPay. The pay phone.
keywords: Kutxabank, Pay, Bizum, beech, payment, immediate, mobile, sending, application, money, stores, transfer, transfer, card, virtual, portfolio, digital, iupay, banking
by S####:
NOT WORKING!!!!! I have android 6.0.1 To which email address do I send the bug report to? FYI I tested another bank payment application for NFC and that worked fine. So my phone is OK. When are you going to fix Kutxabank PAY ?