Tarjimon for Android
Umuman yomon yaxshi emas tortmelar
Juda zor
I dislike this. Very very bad.
I am dislike
Rustamova faraxnoz
It's very good dictionaries to me....
Verry good.transletr
scientists of our day have used this phenomenon to indentify crystalline materials capable of storing information. lales have been successfully employed to record information on and read it off. no ideal data storage crystal has yet been found, but it is obious now that the future of computer ingineering lies in lasers and optoelectronics
Ёкдан кура яхши
Ishlatib bulmayapti
Krill harfda emas lotin alifbosida boganda yahshi bolardi
Umuman bo'lmag'ur. Mukammal emas. Gaplarni noto'g'ri tarjima qiladi. Yuklashingizga arzimaydi
Muloqotni to'liq tarjima qilolmayabdiyu atak ishlatsa boladi
Not a good application. Useless
Ishlatib bulmayapti
Maslahatim skachat qimaylar !!! Juda yomon .
Qancha ko'p tarjima qilinsa shuncha kuchayib boradi. Agar bu solver yoki Google translate dek bo'lsa
Ok kkkkkkkk
by T####: