Fortune Crystal Ball for Android
This game shoud fast to download
Really worked
@###@@@@THISS APP LIYES ABOUT MY FUTOUN#####@@@@#@@#@@######@#@@@@##@@@@@@@@@@@###@#@@@%#%#%%#%#%#%#%#%%#%@@%@(#%@%@%@%@%%%@#%@%@%@%@%#@%%@%@%%##@@@@@@%%@%%@@%%@%%@%@%@%%@%@%@%%@%@@%@%%@%@%@%@%@%%@%@%@%@@%@%@%@%%@%@@%@%%@@%%@%@%@%@@@%@%@%%@%@@%@%%@%@%@%@@%%@%@%%@@%@%@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is a awesome app because all that you have to is focus deeply internally on the question that you want the actual true answer to and make sure that you are pure in your intentions of the actual question and it will always give you the right answer back because you have given it time to read your thoughts and intentions of the actual question.Good job with this application there needs to be more honest app's like you thumbs up ☝.
Really worked
@###@@@@THISS APP LIYES ABOUT MY FUTOUN#####@@@@#@@#@@######@#@@@@##@@@@@@@@@@@###@#@@@%#%#%%#%#%#%#%#%%#%@@%@(#%@%@%@%@%%%@#%@%@%@%@%#@%%@%@%%##@@@@@@%%@%%@@%%@%%@%@%@%%@%@%@%%@%@@%@%%@%@%@%@%@%%@%@%@%@@%@%@%@%%@%@@%@%%@@%%@%@%@%@@@%@%@%%@%@@%@%%@%@%@%@@%%@%@%%@@%@%@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its nice lol
Really worked
Do not download it it is told me yes once then kept saying no!!!!!!!
0 star if I only's really lame...sorry but it's true..
Everything I said yes it said no.o I asked when will I die it said YES.SPAM.DO NOT DOWNLOAD
I asked if my mom will stop being mad at me it sad yes im going to see if it will happen I said if I can have a pet dog it said no so I got really sad I really wanted a dog for a long time my mom does not want a dog in her house. Im getting a dog when im older. Im 9 I hate this game.
Really worked
True to every question i asked it :D
Horriable don't download
I think its
Me like
Its not real but funny and i play it with my friends
Well I asked it are these answers true and it said NO so there it is and I asked it am I alive it said NO well that explains it lies
Ahhhh it said there such thing as ghost!!!!
Awsers are freaky
I thought is this a fake app and it said yes so don't get it: )
It's stupid.I asked if you are ugly?It said yes.I give it zero stars if you ask me.
It wasn't cool until I started asking it stupid questions like are you retarded and do you do drugs,etc. And it kept saying yes :)
This app keeps on saying yes and it is a epic fake.
What da hell was that?X(
Liars i said am i naked and it said yes but i was not naked
dont work
Just said no to everything Poor and an annoying sound
nice app
It is' very lame....feel like gving bad words to my badluck it is not a human being......
I hate this app becuz i was testing it and the answer was yes and it said yes no and it changes i hate it do not downlad this app it sucks
Its pretty bad if you have to ask this thing important questions concerning your life linguine ^.^
all it says is yes plus I was only downloading it for fun cause only God knows my future
This be stupid i asked are yhu stupidd && she saidd yess^_^ lmao!!!!!
Me and my friends love it we have so ,much fun just sitting in my room and shiz so yahhh
by G####:
What! I asked many questions when I asked if my parents love me it said no but my parents love me and confusing I asked if its lying it said no I asked then,are you telling the truth it said no fake boring I hate it