Ejercicio En Casa for Android
Los programas de actividad física deben proporcionar relajación, resistencia, fortaleza muscular y flexibilidad. En la interacción del cuerpo con el espacio y el tiempo a través del movimiento, se construyen numerosos aprendizajes del ser humano. Esta construcción se realiza a través de una sucesión de experiencias educativas que se promueven mediante la exploración, la práctica y la interiorización, estructurando así el llamado esquema corporal
En el V Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Nutrición Comunitaria se ha destacado la importancia de la realización de actividades deportivas para el desarrollo físico, psíquico y social. Además, el deporte tiene una gran influencia en la prevención de muchas enfermedades como la obesidad, la hipertensión y la diabetes.
Se estima que entre un 9 y un 16 % de las muertes producidas en los países desarrollados, pueden ser atribuidas a un estilo de vida sedentario. En el estado de salud de una persona este es un factor fundamental que se combina con otros determinantes importantes como la dotación genética, la edad, la situación nutricional, la higiene, salubridad, estrés y tabaco.
La práctica de ejercicio físico consume energía y requiere por tanto el aporte de oxígeno y nutrientes a los tejidos.
El ejercicio físico practicado de forma regular y frecuente estimula el sistema inmunológico ayudando a prevenir las llamadas enfermedades de la civilización, como la enfermedad coronaria, cardiovascular, diabetes tipo 2 y obesidad.1 2 También mejora la salud mental, ayuda a prevenir estados depresivos, desarrolla y mantiene la autoestima, e incluso aumentar la libido y mejorar la imagen corporal.3
La obesidad infantil es un problema de salud creciente,4 y el ejercicio físico es uno de los remedios de primera línea para tratar algunos de los efectos de la obesidad infantil y adulta.
It's called exercise any physical activity improves and maintains fitness, health and well-being of the person. It is performed for various reasons, such as muscle strengthening, improvement of the cardiovascular system, develop athletic skills, sport, fat loss or maintenance, as well as a recreational activity. Motor actions can be grouped by the need to develop some physical qualities such as strength, speed, endurance, coordination, flexibility or elasticity. Exercise can be directed to solve a specific engine problem. Physical exercise improves mental function, autonomy, memory, speed, body image and sense of well-being, stability in personality characterized by optimism, euphoria and mental flexibility occurs. Increased physical activity can provide a longer life and improved health. Exercise helps prevent heart disease and many other problems. Exercise builds strength, provides more energy and can help reduce anxiety and tension. It is also a good way to change the course of appetite and burn calories. However it is advisable to carry out physical exercise adapting to the physical capacity of each agency, as the practice of sport also involves a number of risks to health. When you start an exercise activity should be aware of the own physical limitations and choose a sport which does not pose a burden on our cuerpo.El exercise it is a basic element for the formation of children and youth and the improvement and maintenance of our health.Physical activity programs should provide relaxation, endurance, muscular strength and flexibility. In the interaction of the body in space and time through movement, many learning of human beings are built. This construction is done through a series of educational experiences that are promoted through exploration, practice and internalization and structuring the so-called body schema
In the V Congress of the Spanish Society of Community Nutrition it has highlighted the importance of sports activities for the physical, mental and social development. In addition, sport has a great influence on the prevention of many diseases such as obesity, hypertension and diabetes.
It is estimated that between 9 and 16% of deaths in developed countries can be attributed to a sedentary lifestyle. In the state of health of a person this is a fundamental factor that is combined with other important determinants such as genetic makeup, age, nutritional status, hygiene, health, stress and snuff.
The practice of physical exercise consumes energy and thus requires the supply of oxygen and nutrients to tissues.
Physical exercise practiced regularly and frequently stimulates the immune system helping to prevent so-called diseases of civilization, such as coronary heart disease, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and obesity.1 2 also improves mental health, helps prevent depression, develops and maintains self-esteem, and even increase libido and improve the image corporal.3
Childhood obesity is a growing problem, 4 health and physical exercise is one of the first-line remedies to treat some of the effects of childhood and adult obesity.