About 300 izreka asketa
U zbirci je sabrano tristo izreka više od pedeset pravoslavnih svetaca Palestine, Sirije, Egipta, Grčke, Rusije, Srbije, Crne Gore, Gruzije. Pošto je prvih tisuću godina nakon Kristova rođenja rimska Crkva ulazila u porodicu pravoslavnih Crkava, u našem zborniku se mogu pročitati i izreke drevnih svetaca koji su živjeli na teritorijima suvremene Italije, Engleske, Francuske, Tunisa-sve to čini zajedničko duhovno naslijeđe Pravoslavne Crkve. Najstarija izreka je bila zapisana u drugoj polovici prvog stoljeća, a najmlađa-u drugoj polovici dvadesetog stoljeća. Gdje i kada god živjeli, tko god bili, pravoslavni sveci govore o jedinstvenoj duhovnoj realnosti. Zato njihove izreke tako skladno nadopunjavaju jedna drugu. U devetnaestom stoljeću sv. Ignacije Brjančaninov je pisao: "Kada u jesenjoj, vedroj noći promatram čisto nebo, zasijano bezbrojnim zvijezdama toliko različite veličine, i vidim da sve one isijavaju istu svjetlost, tada govorim sebi: "takva su djela Otaca“. Kada u ljetnom danu promatram prostrano more, pokriveno mnoštvom različitih brodova, i njihova jedra, raširena poput bijelih labudovih krila, brodove koji se brzo kreću po istome vjetru, prema istom cilju, prema istom pristaništu, tada govorim sebi: "takva su djela Otaca. "Kada čujem, skladni, brojni zbor, u kojemu razni glasovi u dražesnoj harmoniji pjevaju istu božansku pjesmu, tada govorim sebi: "takva su djela Otaca."
Ovaj mali zbornik svetootačkih izreka može biti interesantan i koristan ne samo pravoslavnim kršćanima, već i svima koji cijene istinsko. The collection was assembled three hundred, gives more than fifty Orthodox saints Palestine, Syria, Egypt, Greece, Russia, Serbia, Montenegro, Georgia. After the first thousand years after the birth of Christ Church of Rome entered the family of Orthodox Churches, in our proceedings can be read and sayings of the ancient saints who lived on the territory of modern Italy, England, France, Tunisia-all this makes the common spiritual heritage of the Orthodox Church. The oldest of the operative part was written in the second half of the first century, and the youngest in the second half of the twentieth century. When and where you live, whoever they are, Orthodox saints speak of the unique spiritual reality. Therefore, their sayings so harmoniously complement each other. In the nineteenth century St. Brianchaninov Ignatius wrote: "When in autumn, clear night watching a clean sky, innumerable stars planted so many different sizes, and I see that all radiate the same light, then I tell myself:" these are the works of the Fathers. " When in the summer day watching the vast sea, covered a multitude of different ships, and their sails, spread out like the white swan wings, ships that are moving quickly at the same wind, the same goal, the same pier, then I tell myself: "these are the works of the Fathers. "When I hear a harmonious, many Assembly, where different voices in a lovely harmony singing the same song divine, then I tell myself," such as works of the Fathers. "
This small code svetootačkih, gives can be interesting and useful not only Orthodox Christians, but also to all who appreciate true.