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이지스소비자협동조합 대표 안광민입니다.
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모레알과 같은 협력이라는 것을 담아 보려합니다.
나 혼자가 아닌 함께 일할때 더욱 많은 것을 가지고 있고 누릴수 있음을 우리 모두 알고 있습니다.
그러나 말처럼 쉽지않습니다. '정'이 만던 나눔이 넉넉하던 그때가 좋았습니다.
성장보단 성숙이, 분리보단 통합이, 경쟁보다는 협동이, 탐욕보다는 공감이 우리의 생활양식이 되는
문화를 만들어야 겠습니다.
이론보다는 실천을 먼저 하는 협동조합의 모습을 보여드리겠습니다.
Gabage in Gabage out,
Good in Good out!!
#아라이노베이션 #바른대리 #안광민 Good morning!
Aegis is a consumer cooperative representatives should Kwang - Min.
We are in a big bowl of 'cooperative'
And you need to put that all cooperation, such as Real.
I know that we all have to work together and not have to receive, more and more alone.
However, it is easier said than done. "Jung" This was good mandeon then dividing the two was plenty.
This growth than mature, integration rather than separation, cooperative rather than a competitive, empathy, rather than greed that our lifestyle
We will create a culture.
We'll show the appearance of the theory rather than practice, first cooperatives.
Thank you.
Gabage in Gabage out,
Good in Good out !!
Ara # Innovation # # not the right agency Kwang - Min