
Kodutohter Free App

Rated 1.00/5 (2) —  Free Android application by DIGIRA


About Kodutohter

Juba 25 aastat ilmuv Kodutohter on suurim ja vanim terviseajakiri Eestis – seda loevad nii noored kui ka vanad, nii terved kui ka haiged. Ajakirjas annavad soovitusi ja nõuandeid autoriteetsed meedikud ja teised oma ala tuntud spetsialistid, tutvustades tänapäevaseid põhimõtteid ja võimalusi nii füüsilise kui ka vaimse tervise hoidmiseks ning vajadusel ravimiseks. Terviseajakirjade hulgas on Kodutohter vaieldamatu turuliider loetavuse ja püsitellijate hulga poolest. Tuntumate naiste- ja üldhuviajakirjade seas püsib Kodutohter esiviisikus.

Hetkel saab rakendusest osta ajakirja üksiknumbreid hinnaga € 2.99. Tellimise võimalus lisandub peatselt.

As early as 25 years to appear Kodutohter is the largest and oldest medical journal in - it will read both young and old, the healthy and the sick. The journal will provide recommendations and advice to the authoritative medical and other well-known specialists in your area, showcasing contemporary principles and possibilities for both physical and mental health hold and treat if necessary. Health magazines are Kodutohter undisputed market leader in terms of number of subscribers and permanent legibility. Better-known and popular journals among women remains Kodutohter top five.

Now you can buy the magazine on the application of individual numbers, the price of € 2.99. Ordering option added soon.

How to Download / Install

Download and install Kodutohter version 1.0.3 on your Android device!
Downloaded 100+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package: ee.digira.kodutohter, download Kodutohter.apk

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