Imeline Ajalugu for Android
Meie toimetus teeb koostööd paljude Põhjamaade ajaloolastega ja ajakirjanikega. Meie eesmärk on jääda truuks algallikatele ning tutvustada ja vahendada ajalugu uuel moel. Me peame oluliseks kirjeldada ja jutustada ajaloost kaasahaaravalt ja elavas keeles. Imeline Ajalugu kasutab alati visuaalselt innovatiivseid ja unikaalseid illustratsioone ning ülevaatlike graafikuid.
Ajakiri Imeline Ajalugu ilmub ühe korra kuus, iga kalendrikuu keskel. Lisaks Eestile ilmub Imeline Ajalugu Soomes (Historia), Rootsis (Historia), Taanis (Historie), Norras (Historie), Lätis (Vesture) ja Hollandis (Historia). Ajakirja toimetuse peakorter asub Taanis Kopenhaagenis. Toimetuses töötab mõnikümmend inimest, kes koordineerivad ajaloolastest, ajakirjanikest, kunstnikest, illustraatoritest ning fotograafidest koosnevat võrgustikku.
Hetkel saab rakendusest osta ajakirja üksiknumbrieid hinnaga € 5.49.
Imagine that you get to ride with the crusaders in the direction of Jerusalem. To be a fly on the wall of the workshop of Leonardo da Vinci masterpiece, and observe the creative birth. Magalhaesiga sail with the first round the world voyage. Or manager of the building of the pyramids in Egypt. The wonderful history of the magazine you can order as a part of it. For us the biggest events in the history of the honor of making a living issue - every issue. From the appearance of the magazine early in 2005. In the Nordic countries we have grown to the largest ajalooajakirjaks. This confirms that we are on the right track. We hope you like our magazine as much as we enjoy making it.Our editorial cooperates with a number of Nordic historians and journalists. Our goal is to remain faithful to the original sources, and to present and communicate history in a new way. We consider it important to describe and narrate history in a lively and engaging language. The wonderful history of use is always visually innovative and unique illustrations and graphs outline.
Wonderful History Magazine will appear once a month in the middle of each calendar month. In addition, Estonia, Finland, appears Miraculous History (Historia), Sweden (Historia), Denmark (Historie), Norway (Historie), Latvia (Vesture) and the Netherlands (Historia). The magazine is headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark. The editorial is running a few dozen people who co-ordinate historians, journalists, artists, photographers, and illustraatoritest a network.
Now you can buy a magazine app üksiknumbrieid price of € 5.49.