About BNS.EE
BNS on professionaalsele kasutajale suunatud reaalajas infoteenuseid pakkuv uudisteagentuur, mis tegutseb Eestis, Lätis ja Leedus. BNS-i eesmärk on pakkuda reaalajas täielikku ja usaldusväärset ülevaadet kodu- ja välismaistest päevauudistest - poliitikast ja majandusest kultuuri ja spordini.
Rahvusvahelise teabe pakkumisel on meie koostööpartneriteks maailma juhtivad uudisteagentuurid ThomsonReuters, Agence France Presse (AFP), Associated Press (AP), Interfax ning Soome, Poola ja Austria rahvuslikud agentuurid, kes kõik omakorda kasutavad oma töös BNS-i uudiseid.
Ööpäevas edastab ligikaudu sada oma ala parimat ajakirjanikku kolmest Balti riigist üle tuhande uudise viies - eesti, läti, leedu, vene, inglise - keeles.
BNS is the leading source of information about the Baltic countries. Our news organization has operations in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. With products geared toward the professional user, BNS aims to provide full and reliable real-time coverage of domestic and international news.
The world's leading news agencies ThomsonReuters, Agence France-Presse (AFP), the Associated Press (AP), Interfax, and the national news agencies of Finland, Poland and Austria are our international information source partners, which in turn rely on our Baltic coverage in their everyday work.
Our team of about one hundred journalists produces more than a thousand news stories in five languages (Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Russian and English) daily. BNS is aimed at professional users of real-time information service providing news agency, which operates in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. BNS is designed to provide real-time, complete and reliable overview of the domestic and foreign daily news - politics and economy, culture and sports.
International is providing information to our business partners in the world's leading news agencies Thomson Reuters, Agence France Presse (AFP), Associated Press (AP), Interfax, and Finland, Poland and Austria, national agencies, who in turn use all of their work BNS news.
Approximately one hundred day forward their best journalists of the three Baltic countries, more than one thousand five news - Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Russian and English - the language.
BNS is the Leading source of information about the Baltic countries. Our news Organization has operations in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. With products geared toward the professional user, BNS AIMS to Provide Reliable real-time and full coverage of domestic and international news.
The world's leading news agencies Thomson Reuters, Agence France-Presse (AFP), the Associated Press (AP), Interfax, and the national news agencies of Finland, Poland and Austria are our interactive National Information Source Partners, Which in turn RELY is our Baltic Coverage in for their everyday work.
Our team of about one hundred Journalists produces more than a thousand news stories in five languages (English, Latvian, Lithuanian, Russian and English) daily.