About 食在安心
有鑑於近年來食安風暴不斷,而造成人心惶惶食不下嚥,所以我們結合各方的無毒小農,以天然有機栽培方式,提供國人安全無毒的食材。 APP的示意圖「食在安心」,其中的意涵包跨了「在心食安」、 「食安在心」 ,不管您是由左至右或由右至左,都代表我們將食材安全擺在第一位。 而APP內含保健食品及有機蔬果和無毒海鮮, 透過APP下單, 產地直接配送到消費者手中。 使消費者可以在最短的時間內, 享用身體保健及最新鮮有機的天然食材。 In view of the recent food security crisis continues, causing panic not eat, so we combine non-toxic peasant parties, natural organic cultivation methods, providing people safe non-toxic ingredients. Schematic APP's "fresh in relief," one of the implications of the package across the "heart of food security", "food safety in mind," whether you are from left to right or from right to left, we will have representatives in the first safe ingredients a. The APP includes health food and organic fruits and vegetables and non-toxic seafood, through APP orders, producing direct distribution to consumers. So that consumers can in the shortest possible time, enjoy the freshest organic body care and natural ingredients.