About Slogun
Things Midwesterners are sick of hearing:
● “So wait, you live in the U.S.— L.A. or New York?”
● “Oh Iowa, where all the potatoes are?”
● "Do they have cities there?"
● "Did you grow up on a farm?"
Slogun is the world's first social media platform built for the Midwest. Inspired from Raygun's (www.raygunsite.com) twisted sense of Midwest pride, Slogun gives you the opportunity to submit your quippy, snarky, and possibly true slogans about our great flyover states. Have something to say? Post away.
Things the people who use this app know:
● There’s a huge land mass in the U.S. that is neither L.A. or New York.
● Iowa = corn. Idaho = potatoes.
● The Midwest claims Indianapolis, Detroit, Milwaukee, Kansas City, Omaha, Des Moines, Minneapolis, Cleveland, St. Louis. And Chicago, I guess.
● A little over 50% of the Midwest is farmland, so the answer to that question is 50/50.
This app is not just snappy sayings. Slogun is a community of folks who are proud of their flyover states. Even if the rest of the world still thinks Iowa is where the potatoes are.
Everyone in the community can view, vote, and comment on your slogan. Posting something popular could land you on the “Trending” or “All-Time” top pages. There are also numerous subcategories that focus on even more local communities - like cities, politics and current events.
“I would, and I mean this in a good way, waste a lot of time on Slogun,” Grant, Barista at Capes Kafé, Des Moines Social Club’s coffee shop