About 耕莘產科AR
專業科目可從書本提供學理知識外,其實務技能需透過教師親自示範而獲得。學生因課堂時間有限無法充分練習或需要練習時教師無法現場指導,為達到學生在任何地點及時間可以獲得實務技能知識,利用擴增實境技術製作「產科護理擴增實境APP」以實體、虛擬混搭互動多樣化的方式呈現,學生只需透過課程圖卡,即可快速學到護理實務技能。 Professional subjects can provide theoretical knowledge from books, its practical skills needed by teachers to personally demonstrate obtained. Students can not fully exercise or need to practice due to limited classroom time teacher can spot guidance, in order to achieve practical skills and knowledge students Keyihuode at any place and time, the use of augmented reality technology to produce "obstetric care Augmented Reality APP" to the entity, mix and match diverse interactive virtual presented in a way that students simply through the course picture cards, you can quickly learn practical nursing skills.