bConnected for Galaxy Note for Android
With the S Pen functionality integrated throughout the app, you can create rich and meaningful content, then share it with your connections, email Mom and Dad, or post to Facebook. Whether you are taking notes for class or collaborating on a group project; scribing meeting minutes and task lists for their organization; journaling expenses for awards and grants; or simply having fun with friends in the residence halls, the S Pen provides a great mobile experience.
Download bConnected today and start connecting with the campus community!
IMPORTANT! This version is specifically for the Samsung Galaxy Note line of devices. All other phones and tablets should download this version - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=edu.bsu.android.apps.bconnected.
V2.0 comes packed with loads of features for the 2012-2013 academic year:
- S Pen note-taking capabilities for courses, events, and campus rideboard
- Course schedules with classmates, instructors and tutors
- My Connections – a “favorites” list for all the people you interact with at Ball State
- Final course grades
- Midterm course performance
- Tutoring information for University Core Curriculum courses
- Important academic reminders and notifications sent throughout the year
- Campus rideboard for sharing rides
- Events, viewable by category and month
- Academic performance
- University holds
- Photos of campus buildings for courses and events
A demo account is available if you don't have a Ball State username - just use the following credentials:
Username: bconnected
Password: demo
by M####:
UBall students only