About 黃大仙工商業聯合會
本會於1988年由一群熱愛社區的工商界翹楚創立,旨在聯繫區內及國內外業界,推動商貿發展。本會亦積極關注社區事務,經常與黃大仙民政事務處、黃大仙及西貢社會福利事務處、黃大仙警區及區內團體合辦各類型社區服務。本會是一個愛國愛港的工商業團體,擁護一國兩制和基本法,致力維護工商業界權益及促進香港和諧穩定發展。 This will be founded in 1988 by a group of leaders who love the business community, the region and aims to link domestic and foreign trade, and promote trade development. We will also take an active interest in community affairs, often with the Wong Tai Sin District Office, Wong Tai Sin and Sai Kung Social Welfare Office, Wong Tai Sin District and regional organizations in organizing all types of community service. This will be a patriotic love for Hong Kong trade and industry organizations, and one country two systems uphold the Basic Law, to safeguard the interests of business and industry and the promotion of harmonious and stable development of Hong Kong.