About TouchSound
- Animals , objects, images and sounds of nature are collected .
- Simple is best!! : No need to explain intuitive UI has been configured.
- When you select an image to see it enlarged screen and in the Main screen, you can just hear the sound .
- When selected image will appear with the name of the English .
※ animals (24 species) : geese, chickens, pigs , ducks, chickens , cows, goats , dogs, raccoons , wolves , squirrels , horses, crocodiles , chimpanzees , elephants, cougars, tigers , seagulls, peacocks , frogs , whales, bears , crows , owls
※ Object( 22 species): Police , golf , ambulance , basketball, dadeumyi , Billiards, ax, diesel, motor boats, Water Mill , Bowling, fire trucks , skate, watch , baseball , motorcycles, telephones, steam locomotive, car racing , trucks, hockey, helicopters
※ Nature (17 species) : the autumn , brook , crickets , leaves , snowstorm, cicadas , mosquitoes , bees, spring rain , weather , rural summer , hail, thunder , surf , fly, waterfall, beach,
Touch sound , touch sound, animals , objects, nature, animal sounds , and things sound, natural sound , sound bar , sounds , sound touch, touchsound, soundtouch, sounds
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