Fri for chokolade

Fri for chokolade$8.49

Rated 0.00/5 (0) —  Free Android application by Info Products


About Fri for chokolade

Sådan dæmper du din chokoladetrang

At stoppe med at spise chokolade, kan være en svær opgave at overkomme uden hjælp udefra. Men med hypnose er det muligt at ændre ens fokus væk fra chokoladetrangen, og over på sundere og bedre alternativer i hverdagen.

Sådan bruger du hypnosen mod chokolade afhængighed

Programmet til chokolade afvænning er hurtigt at lytte til, og hjælper dig på kort tid til at få fjernet chokolade trangen.

Det bedste resultat får du ved at gentage lytningen af hypnosen hver gang du føler behov for det, og når du har ekstra brug for støtte til at lade chokoladen ligge på hylden. Lyt gerne dagligt i de første 10 dage.

Speak af Anja Lysholm

Få hjælp til din chokoladeafhængighed - og bliv chokoladeafvænnet i dag! To mute your chocolate cravings

To stop eating chocolate can be a difficult task to overcome without outside help. But with hypnosis, it is possible to change one's focus away from chocolate cravings, and the healthier and better alternatives in everyday life.

Using hypnosis for chocolate addiction

The program for chocolate addiction is quickly listen to, and help you in a short time to get rid of chocolate cravings.

The best result you get repeat listening of hypnosis every time you feel the need for it, and when you have extra need support to let the chocolate on the shelf. Listen to daily for the first 10 days.

Speak by Anja Lysholm

Get help with your chocolate addiction - and become chokoladeafvænnet today!

How to Download / Install

Download and install Fri for chokolade version 1.2 on your Android device!
Downloaded 1+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package: dk.infoproducts.chokolade_da, download Fri for chokolade.apk

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Android app

App History & Updates

Price update  Price changed from $8.50 to $8.49.
Price update  Price changed from $9.99 to $8.50.
Price update  Price changed from $9.99 to $26.68.
Price update  Price changed from $9.99 to $29.63.

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