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Hyologisk er et uafhængigt medie, der til forskel fra de konkurrerende svinefaglige magasiner ikke er bange for at udfordre læseren eller stille kritiske spørgsmål til branchen. Der er ikke politisk censur på artiklerne i Hyologisk. Tværtimod kan læsere af Hyologisk følge med i, hvad de progressive svineproducenter, som ikke er bange for at gå imod strømmen, gør og mener.
The target audience for Hyologisk is the top professional pig. They and their employees may Hyologisk retrieve current and relevant swine professional knowledge generated outside the established testing and counseling system in Denmark. Should the Danish pig farmers cope with global competition, it is important to keep abreast of what is happening outside the established system. That is, both Danish and foreign universities, institutions or companies, also working with pigs academic issues.Hyologisk is an independent media, which, unlike the competing pigs professional magazines are not afraid to challenge the reader or ask critical questions about the industry. There is no political censorship of the articles in Hyologisk. On the contrary, readers of Hyologisk track of those progressive pig that is not afraid to go against the tide and mean.