
Symbolkommunikation Free App

Rated 3.50/5 (4) —  Free Android application by EXAKT

About Symbolkommunikation

Hjælper børn, unge og voksne med særlig behov for struktur, som f.eks. ADHD, Autisme, Aspergers syndrom eller andre kognitive udfordringer.

Giver mulighed for at lave en enkel struktur med egne billeder eller piktogrammer, symboler og tavler - der kan tages med overalt på din smartphone eller tablet.

Kan administreres af både støttepersoner og personen med kognitive udfordringer - hvilket styrker kommunikationen mellem f.eks. skole og forældre.
Tilknyt ubegrænsede relationer, til personen med behov for struktur.

- Struktur der passer til brugerens niveau og behov
- Struktur der kan tages med overalt
- Gør brugeren selvhjulpen og øger selvtilliden
- Giver ro og tryghed og dermed øget overskud til læring og udvikling

Brugerne siger:
"Vores søn med autisme lærte hurtigt at bruge Symbolkommunikation, da det er meget logisk opbygget. Det gav fint mening for ham at kunne følge med i dagens program på sin egen telefon"
Anne, Mor til inkluderet dreng med autisme

"Symbolkommunikation har gjort en kæmpe forskel for en dreng i min børnehave og hans familie. Netop muligheden for at han altid kan se hvad hans dag indeholder, har givet ham ro og ikke mindst fremmet hans deltagelse og inklusion i fællesskabet i børnehaven"
Susanne, Inklusionsvejleder og Ressourcepædagog Helps children, youth and adults with special needs structure such. ADHD, Autism, Asperger's syndrome or other cognitive challenges.

Lets make a simple structure with own pictures or pictograms, symbols and signs - that can be taken anywhere on your smartphone or tablet.

Can administered by both support personnel and the person with cognitive challenges - which enhances communication between such. school and parents.
Assign unlimited relationships, to the person in need of structure.

- Structure to suit the user's level and needs
- Structure can be taken anywhere
- Allows users self-reliant and increases self-confidence
- For peace and security and thus increased profits for learning and development

Users say:
"Our son with autism quickly learned to use Symbol Communication, as it is very logical. It gave fine sense for him to keep up with today's program on his own phone"
Anne, Mother of the included boy with autism

"Symbol Communications has made a huge difference to a boy in my kindergarten and his family. Just the possibility that he can always see what his day contains, has given him peace and not least facilitated his participation and inclusion in the community in the kindergarten"
Susanne, Inclusion Supervisor and Resource Educator

How to Download / Install

Download and install Symbolkommunikation version 2.0.36 on your Android device!
Downloaded 500+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package: dk.exakt.SymbolKommunikation, download Symbolkommunikation.apk

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Android app

App History & Updates

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Version update Symbolkommunikation was updated to version 2.0.36
Version update Symbolkommunikation was updated to version 2.0.21
More downloads  Symbolkommunikation reached 500 - 1 000 downloads
Version update Symbolkommunikation was updated to version 2.0.14

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4 users