Børnelynet for Android
Børnelynet kan bruges af borgere i Lyngby-Taarbæk Kommune samt andre med relationer til Lyngby-Taarbæk Kommune.
Du skal selv åbne for adgangen til Børnelynet, før du kan bruge den. Log ind i Børnelynet med din NemID og åbn for din personlige adgang til Børnelynet.
I Børnelynet får alle Lyngby-Taarbæk-borgere over 15 år adgang til udvalgte dele fra Børnelynet, fx
- dialog med daginstitution
- sikker digital post i NemPost
- aftaler og frister i NemKalender
Children lightning is a mobile version of the personal citizen universe Children lightning.Children lightning can be used by citizens in Lyngby-Taarbæk and others with ties to Lyngby-Taarbæk.
You need to open up access to Children lightning before you can use it. Log in Children lightning flash with your NemID and open for your personal access to the Children lightning.
In Children lightning gets all Lyngby Taarbaek citizens over 15 years access to selected parts from Children lightning, for example,
- Dialogue with daycare
- Secure digital mail in NemPost
- Agreements and deadlines in NemKalender
Hej, Jeg så gerne mulighed for notifikations ved nye dagbøger og gallerier eller blot ved ny information. Endvidere ville jeg gerne have mulighed for at gemme password, da der er sikkerhed på selve telefonen. Jeg ser frem til denne update!
by N####:
The core feature for pickup is constantly out of sync, which is misleading! The menu is hopelessly bloated! Interaction is painfully slow! Bottomline; there's no functionality included that warrants a stand-alone application, a standard compliant web app would more than suffice!