About 丁師傅麻糬
丁師傅麻糬(鹿港小吃)的負責人是鹿港聞名遐邇的”阿振肉包”老師傅的外甥,從小就耳濡目染,看舅舅阿振師製作各式各樣的糕點,所以有信心做出最好吃的麻糬!我們的麻糬有四種口味,其中以鹹肉麻糬與奶酥口味又以阿振師為開創始祖,盡得真傳! Master Ding mochi (Lukang snacks) person in charge of Lukang famous "A vibration bun" old master's nephew, childhood monasteries, see uncle A vibration division produced a wide range of pastries, so have confidence to make best to eat mochi! We mochi in four flavors, salty the mushy rice cake and soufflés taste Youyi A vibration division and creating ancestor, the best true mass!