TellNow for Android
Amazing app really easy to use and I think it deserved 5 stars
Awesome app ! Great exploration and time saving tool.. I don't need to go about asking everybody where to find what, when i have tellnow to tell me the location of everything nearby!
A must have app for everyone! Very simple and easy to use. :D
I found this app much faster than searching through google maps
Gr8 app!!!
Very simple and fast. No lag, and yes, found many new places I didn't know about! :D
TellNow is a nyc app with variation of features. And comapre to google maps it too fast while using TellNow app, if possible bring up an update for I phone users also , overall its the best app for searching new places our souranding..
desperately needed something like this. it really helps when u don't know interesting places around you when u are hungry and need a way to your favourite food zones kfc,mcdonalds and all.
I use it frequently now to get new destinations. Great work developers
by D####:
I use it frequently now to get new destinations. Great work developers