SerbianCafe Kuvar for Android
Pod terminom Kuvar često se podazumevaju knjige koje sadrži informacije o kuvanju i spisak recepata. Može takođe da sadrži informacije o poreklu, svežini, selekciji i kvalitetu sastojaka.
Dok zapadnjački kuvari obično grupišu recepte za glavne obroke po glavnim sastojcima jela, japanski kuvari ih uobičajeno grupišu po kuvarskim tehnikama (npr. pržena hrana, hrana na pari, roštiljana hrana). Oba stila kuvara sadrže dodatne grupe recepata kao što su supe, deserti... / lat / chefThe term is often podazumevaju cook book that contains information on cooking and a list of recipes. It may also contain information about the origin, freshness, selection and quality ingredients.
While western cookbooks usually group the recipes for main meals at the main ingredients of dishes, Japanese cookbooks usually grouped them by cooking techniques (such as fried foods, steamed foods, roštiljana food). Both styles chefs include additional groups of recipes such as soups, desserts ...
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