The ultimate social news aggregator app for Bundesliga fans. All news in one timeline.
Don't miss any Bundesliga news anymore. We have collected thousands of social media profiles from different networks and present them all in teamspecific ultimate timelines - real-time.
- over 50-100 news per team daily
- over 2000 hand-picked sources
- all teams/clubs of the 1st and 2nd Bundesliga
- live impressions of fans via geo-fencing
- players: all Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube & Co. posts of your stars
- teams/clubs: all relevant club related social accounts
- news: all news from relevant regional and national newspapers, blogs and fan media
- fanclubs: news and comments of relevant fan pages and clubs
- specials: additionaly we present special topics like girlfriends (Wags) of famous soccer players, transfers or big international competitions
We are all the 12th man!