Pranksta - Prank your friends for Android
1. First you have to choose a scary picture
2. Now you need to select a matching sound
3. In the settings you can choose when the app should show the picture and play the sound
You have the following options:
3.1 Screen turns on
3.2 Screen gets unlocked
3.3 At a specific time
3.4 Countdown
3.5 If certain app is launched
4. Finally you have the option to record the whole thing through the front camera
When the service is started, you can close the app.
Explanation for the given permissions:
> android.permission.CAMERA
To record a video, the app needs to access the camera
> android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO
For a good prank video, you need the audio too ;)
> android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
To save the video and cache the picture
> android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW
Needed to make fullscreen
> android.permission.GET_TASKS
This permission allows the app to see the running apps to start the prank at a certain app launch
> android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE
AdMob (advertising)
> android.permission.INTERNET
AdMob (advertising)
Please send me suggestions for this app or description :)
Have fun :)